facebookresearch / CutLER

Code release for "Cut and Learn for Unsupervised Object Detection and Instance Segmentation" and "VideoCutLER: Surprisingly Simple Unsupervised Video Instance Segmentation"
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Adapting CutLER for other detectors #65

Open yoloyash opened 1 month ago

yoloyash commented 1 month ago

Hi, fantastic work on CutLER! From my understanding, CutLER is an approach to train a supervised detector, such as a Cascade Mask R-CNN, in an unsupervised manner using ViT, MaskCut, and DropLoss techniques. This implies that, theoretically, we should be able to replace the R-CNN detector with a single-stage detector like YOLO, provided we can modify the loss function accordingly. I am planning to implement a few-shot learning approach by training a self-supervised model using the CutLER methodology on YOLOv8/YOLOv10, followed by fine-tuning on a specific dataset. Could you provide any suggestions on how to modify the YOLOv10 loss function to be compatible with the CutLER approach? Thank you!