facebookresearch / Detectron

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Can not find the source code of Retinanet loss function. #257

Closed zhouhao94 closed 6 years ago

zhouhao94 commented 6 years ago

I am trying to understand the source code of Retinanet. While I can't find the source code of Retinanet's loss function. ![Uploading 2018-03-09 10-59-52屏幕截图.png…]()

def add_fpn_retinanet_losses(model):

loss_gradients = {}
gradients, losses = [], []

k_max = cfg.FPN.RPN_MAX_LEVEL  # coarsest level of pyramid
k_min = cfg.FPN.RPN_MIN_LEVEL  # finest level of pyramid

model.AddMetrics(['retnet_fg_num', 'retnet_bg_num'])
# ==========================================================================
# bbox regression loss - SelectSmoothL1Loss for multiple anchors at a location
# ==========================================================================
for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
    suffix = 'fpn{}'.format(lvl)
 _###  #   **bbox_loss = model.net.SelectSmoothL1Loss**_(
            'retnet_bbox_pred_' + suffix,
            'retnet_roi_bbox_targets_' + suffix,
            'retnet_roi_fg_bbox_locs_' + suffix, 'retnet_fg_num'
        'retnet_loss_bbox_' + suffix,
        scale=1. / cfg.NUM_GPUS * cfg.RETINANET.BBOX_REG_WEIGHT
    losses.append('retnet_loss_bbox_' + suffix)

# ==========================================================================
# cls loss - depends on softmax/sigmoid outputs
# ==========================================================================
for lvl in range(k_min, k_max + 1):
    suffix = 'fpn{}'.format(lvl)
    cls_lvl_logits = 'retnet_cls_pred_' + suffix
    if not cfg.RETINANET.SOFTMAX:
        cls_focal_loss = model.net.SigmoidFocalLoss(
                cls_lvl_logits, 'retnet_cls_labels_' + suffix,
            scale=(1. / cfg.NUM_GPUS)

For example, I can't find the source code of 'SelectSmoothL1Loss()' in 'bbox_loss = model.net.SelectSmoothL1Loss()', where the 'model' is an defined detectron model.

Any help? Thanks

ppwwyyxx commented 6 years ago

The source code is in caffe2: https://github.com/caffe2/caffe2/blob/master/modules/detectron/select_smooth_l1_loss_op.h

zhouhao94 commented 6 years ago

@ppwwyyxx Thank you. I have read that source code. And I have an other question. The actual parampeters for function 'SelectSmoothL1Loss' are 'retnet_bboxpred' + suffix, 'retnet_roi_bboxtargets' + suffix, 'retnet_roi_fg_bboxlocs' + suffix and 'retnet_fg_num'. I know that the 'retnet_bboxpred' + suffix are calculate by the model, but where do the other three actual parameters 'retnet_roi_bboxtargets' + suffix, 'retnet_roi_fg_bboxlocs' + suffix and 'retnet_fg_num' come from? And where can I find the source code that is used to produce the three actual parameters? Thank you so much.

ir413 commented 6 years ago

Hi @zhouhao94, the blobs you mention are computed by the functions in this file.

ashnair1 commented 5 years ago

Updated Link to loss function: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/modules/detectron/select_smooth_l1_loss_op.h

tobidelbruck commented 3 years ago

Incidentally, here is TF implementation: https://www.tensorflow.org/addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy