facebookresearch / Detectron

FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
Apache License 2.0
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I want to classify only human class #34

Closed skcskc7 closed 6 years ago

skcskc7 commented 6 years ago

I want to classify only human class

As a result of running infer_simply.py, i want to a image that contains only human class and human segmentation (does not contain other class)

How can i do this?

rbgirshick commented 6 years ago

For now, we have person(human)-only models for keypoint detection. For example if you run

python2 tools/infer_simple.py --cfg configs/12_2017_baselines/e2e_keypoint_rcnn_X-101-32x8d-FPN_s1x.yaml \
    --output-dir /tmp/detectron-visualizations \
    --image-ext jpg \
    --wts https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/detectron/37732318/12_2017_baselines/e2e_keypoint_rcnn_X-101-32x8d-FPN_s1x.yaml.16_55_09.Lx8H5JVu/output/train/keypoints_coco_2014_train:keypoints_coco_2014_valminusminival/generalized_rcnn/model_final.pkl \

You should get output like this:


In the future we will release person-only models that jointly predict detections, keypoints, and segmentation masks.