facebookresearch / Detectron

FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
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What's the structure flow of "body""head" and basic structure? #867

Open dengshanlearn opened 5 years ago

dengshanlearn commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm a beginner,sorry to ask some stupid questions. In the faster-rcnn module, we can choose "body" and "head" in the cfg files, but the basic structure of faster-rcnn is "RPN+fast-rcnn", so , if the "body" is "VGG16", "head" is the "add_roi_2mlp_head", may I ask, what's the relationship between "VGG16 ""add_roi_2mlp_head" and "RPN+fast-rcnn"? That is , what's the structure flow of "body""head" and basic structure? Thanks very much!