facebookresearch / Detectron

FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
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Detectron and Caffe2 Inference result are not same for same model and input image . We are Using convert_pkl_to_pb.py #921

Open RahulDas-dev opened 5 years ago

RahulDas-dev commented 5 years ago

I trained a Detectron model with my custom dataset. Model Name - e2e_faster_rcnn_R-101-FPN.yaml number of class in Dataset - 56 It worked completely fine.

Then I convert the model in caffe2 using the script "convert_pkl_to_pb.py -- device 'cpu' " it generates 3 file

  1. model_init.pb
  2. model.pb
  3. param_init_net.pbtxt

then I go for inference with caffe2. The script for inference is given bellow

start of the script


End of scripts of script

There is a mismatch in the result of Caffe2 and Detectron inference.

Caffe2 Result


Detectron Result


Another way of looking into the issue is while model conversation if we pass any input Image then also Model conversion failed due to a mismatch in the result.

Script for Model conversation

python tools/convert_pkl_to_pb.py --cfg configs/getting_started/DEO_e2e_faster_rcnn_R-101-FPN.yaml \ --device cpu --out_dir /home/rahdas/temp/model/deo/cpu --test_img /datagpu/Detectron_dataset/DEO/testData/20180412_104410.jpg

Why Caffe2 And Detectron Result are not exactly Equal? Is there anything I am missing ?? Kindly help me to resolve the issue.