facebookresearch / Detectron

FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
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Failed running infer_simple.py #974

Open enjoykcc456 opened 4 years ago

enjoykcc456 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have successfully built the docker with the Dockerfile. But when i tried to run the infer_simply.py, I faced this error. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

root@localhost:/detectron# python tools/infer_simple.py --cfg deploy_file/R50FPN.yaml --output-dir /tmp/detectron-visualizations --image-ext jpg --wts deploy_file/model_final.pkl demo Found Detectron ops lib: /usr/local/caffe2_build/lib/libcaffe2_detectron_ops_gpu.so WARNING cnn.py: 40: [====DEPRECATE WARNING====]: you are creating an object from CNNModelHelper class which will be deprecated soon. Please use ModelHelper object with brew module. For more information, please refer to caffe2.ai and python/brew.py, python/brew_test.py for more information. INFO net.py: 59: Loading weights from: deploy_file/model_final.pkl I0110 01:42:28.716251 47 net_dag_utils.cc:118] Operator graph pruning prior to chain compute took: 9.7481e-05 secs I0110 01:42:28.716440 47 net_dag.cc:61] Number of parallel execution chains 63 Number of operators = 232 I0110 01:42:28.726867 47 net_dag_utils.cc:118] Operator graph pruning prior to chain compute took: 6.9024e-05 secs I0110 01:42:28.726986 47 net_dag.cc:61] Number of parallel execution chains 30 Number of operators = 188 I0110 01:42:28.728276 47 net_dag_utils.cc:118] Operator graph pruning prior to chain compute took: 9.689e-06 secs I0110 01:42:28.728312 47 net_dag.cc:61] Number of parallel execution chains 5 Number of operators = 18 INFO infer_simple.py: 113: Processing demo/15673749081_767a7fa63a_k.jpg -> /tmp/detectron-visualizations/15673749081_767a7fa63a_k.jpg.pdf terminate called after throwing an instance of 'caffe2::EnforceNotMet' what(): [enforce fail at conv_op_cudnn.cc:572] status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS. 8 vs 0. , Error at: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/caffe2/operators/conv_op_cudnn.cc:572: CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED Error from operator: input: "gpu_0/data" input: "gpu_0/conv1_w" output: "gpu_0/conv1" name: "" type: "Conv" arg { name: "kernel" i: 7 } arg { name: "exhaustive_search" i: 0 } arg { name: "pad" i: 3 } arg { name: "order" s: "NCHW" } arg { name: "stride" i: 2 } device_option { device_type: 1 cuda_gpu_id: 0 } engine: "CUDNN" Aborted at 1578620552 (unix time) try "date -d @1578620552" if you are using GNU date PC: @ 0x7fce729dd428 gsignal SIGABRT (@0x2f) received by PID 47 (TID 0x7fcdc1fff700) from PID 47; stack trace: @ 0x7fce72d83390 (unknown) @ 0x7fce729dd428 gsignal @ 0x7fce729df02a abort @ 0x7fce6c39e84d __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() @ 0x7fce6c39c6b6 (unknown) @ 0x7fce6c39c701 std::terminate() @ 0x7fce6c3c7d38 (unknown) @ 0x7fce72d796ba start_thread @ 0x7fce72aaf41d clone @ 0x0 (unknown) Aborted (core dumped)