facebookresearch / DistDepth

Repository for "Toward Practical Monocular Indoor Depth Estimation" (CVPR 2022)
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Questions about the loss computation #19

Open w2kun opened 1 year ago

w2kun commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for releasing the code!

I have several questions after reading the execute_func.py:

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards!

choyingw commented 1 year ago

That's an error when we switch to NYU's pretrained model. Please uncomment L64-71 and comment L74-81, and the rest is intact. I'll update it

choyingw commented 1 year ago

Just updated. If you use NYU's pretrained model, there is no need to do the inversion since the model's output is directly in meters; otherwise when a general purpose DPT is used (i.e. predicting in disparity space), you need to do inversion

w2kun commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply! I will try the updated version. Also, I'm wondering if it's correct to modify the code like the second item says?

baldgirllulu commented 8 months ago

In subsection 3.2 of the paper it is written that“We first estimate rough alignment factors of scale as and shift at from DPT’s output D∗ t to predicted depth Dt by minimizing differences between D¯ ∗ t = asD∗ t + at and Dt with closed-form expressions from the least-square optimization (see the supplementary” My understanding is that the output of DPT needs to be varied linearly and then with the predicted depth Dt to calculate Statistical loss. but in the code directly using the output of DPT and the predicted depth to calculate the ssim value, and I didn't find any program related to the linear variation, is it my misunderstanding? Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards!

baldgirllulu commented 8 months ago

About the second item:I also think scale alignment is needed before computing the loss