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Repository for "Toward Practical Monocular Indoor Depth Estimation" (CVPR 2022)
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Hello, author, I think your article is very well written and would like to use it as a baseline. I have a question about the dataset: about SimSIN-simple and full datasets of SimSIN. #32

Open climberwu opened 2 weeks ago

climberwu commented 2 weeks ago

Are your results obtained on the all dataset of SimSIN or SimSIN-simple? If it is run on all dataset of SimSIN, are the three scenes HM3D, replica_large, and replica_large_L all used as training datasets? After I improved the DPT module, I found that it worked well on SimSIN-simple, but not on the all dataset of SimSIN. Is this problem common? Hope to receive your answer, thank you!!!

choyingw commented 4 days ago


all the paper's results are trained on the full dataset. SimSIN-simple is just an exemplar dataset to try out the code.

climberwu commented 2 days ago

oh!!!!! Thanks