Open lynl7130 opened 6 years ago
Seems like the bug is that the Reply does not cover all of the fields needed to finish a batch. You need to change the def actor
in to the following:
def actor(batch):
global actor_count, GC
actor_count += 1
batchsize = batch["s"].size(1)
actions = [
random.randint(0, GC.params["num_action"] - 1)
for i in range(batchsize)
values = [
for i in range(batchsize)
rv =[
for i in range(batchsize)
pi = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(1, batchsize, GC.params["num_action"]))
reply = dict(a=actions,
return reply
I Installed ALE according to, finished all the makes under ELF/atari/build, and git cloned rom files to my own directory.
But when I test to run the environment with any rom file I get the following error, how could I fix this!!:
$ python --rom_file=./atari-py/atari_py/atari_roms/adventure.bin PID: 16986 ========== Args ============ Loader: frame_skip=4,hist_len=4,rom_file="./atari-py/atari_py/atari_roms/adventure.bin",actor_only=False,reward_clip=1,rom_dir="",additional_labels=None,gpu=None ContextArgs: num_games=1024,batchsize=128,game_multi=None,T=6,eval=False,wait_per_group=False,num_collectors=0,verbose_comm=False,verbose_collector=False,mcts_threads=0,mcts_rollout_per_thread=1,mcts_verbose=False,mcts_save_tree_filename="",mcts_verbose_time=False,mcts_use_prior=False,mcts_pseudo_games=0,mcts_pick_method="most_visited" ========== End of Args ============ Warning: key = env_eval_only cannot be found from either args or environment! A.L.E: Arcade Learning Environment (version 0.6.0) [Powered by Stella] Use -help for help screen. Warning: couldn't load settings file: ./ale.cfg Game console created: ROM file: ./atari-py/atari_py/atari_roms/adventure.bin Cart Name: Adventure (1978) (Atari) (PAL) [!] Cart MD5: 4b27f5397c442d25f0c418ccdacf1926 Display Format: AUTO-DETECT ==> PAL ROM Size: 4096 Bankswitch Type: AUTO-DETECT ==> 4K
WARNING: Possibly unsupported ROM: mismatched MD5. Cartridge_MD5: 4b27f5397c442d25f0c418ccdacf1926 Cartridge_name: Adventure (1978) (Atari) (PAL) [!]
Running ROM file... Random seed is 83016338 Action set: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Version: 9952b83bebc242608879710b49a81b193c339de9_staged Num Actions: 18
recv_thread = 4
Group 0: Collector[0] Batchsize: 128 Info: [gid=0][T=1][name=""] Collector[1] Batchsize: 128 Info: [gid=1][T=1][name=""] Collector[2] Batchsize: 128 Info: [gid=2][T=1][name=""] Collector[3] Batchsize: 128 Info: [gid=3][T=1][name=""] Group 1: Collector[4] Batchsize: 128 Info: [gid=4][T=6][name=""] Collector[5] Batchsize: 128 Info: [gid=5][T=6][name=""] Collector[6] Batchsize: 128 Info: [gid=6][T=6][name=""] Collector[7] Batchsize: 128 Info: [gid=7][T=6][name=""]
0%| | 0/5000 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 169, in
File "../elf/", line 379, in Run
res = self._call(self.infos)
File "../elf/", line 365, in _call
sel_reply.copy_from(reply, batch_key=batch_key)
File "../elf/", line 164, in copy_from
raise ValueError("Batch[%s].copy_from: Reply[%s] is not assigned" % (batch_key, k))
ValueError: Batch[actor-0].copy_from: Reply[pi] is not assigned
Prepare to stop ...
Segmentation fault