facebookresearch / Ego4d

Ego4d dataset repository. Download the dataset, visualize, extract features & example usage of the dataset
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"failed to fetch 61050 files [integrity=0, exceptions=61050]" for Ego-Exo4D #329

Open prismformore opened 3 months ago

prismformore commented 3 months ago

I ran egoexo -o /mnt/datasets/egoexo_data and some files cannot be downloaded, it shows this error message after I ran the command again:

Expected size of downloaded files is 4175.8 GiB (61050 files). Do you want to start the download? ([y]/n): y
Preparing output directories ...16647/16647 [00:21<00:00, 779.86it/s]
Downloading ...
Fetching: 4175.838GiB
0%|                                                       | 0.00/4.08T [00:00<?, ?iB/s]
WARN: failed to fetch 61050 files [integrity=0, exceptions=61050]
Please retry the download (... returning with error code 2)
likanchuan09171 commented 2 months ago

I ran into the same problem. Did you manage to solve it?