facebookresearch / GENRE

Autoregressive Entity Retrieval
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Question: mGENRE entity-linking model #78

Closed JulesBelveze closed 2 years ago

JulesBelveze commented 2 years ago

Hey peeps, first of all, thanks for the awesome work. 😃

I am getting familiar with both GENRE & mGENRE by going through the papers and following the examples you shared. I'm willing to perform End-to-End Entity Linking with mGENRE but I can't seem to find the fine-tuned models..

Are you planning on releasing the model's checkpoints? Or is there any way I can use the fairseq_multilingual_entity_disambiguation checkpoints to perform entity linking as in the GENRE example?

Thanks for your help!

nicola-decao commented 2 years ago

We haven't trained mGENRE for the e2e task sorry ☚ī¸ so there is no plan to release that model

JulesBelveze commented 2 years ago

Alright, thanks for the fast answer @nicola-decao. Would it be alright to perform multiple entity disambiguation at once? By e.g. creating a sentence of the following format:

"With the [START] Green Line [END] just outside, this unit is perfect for the downtown commuter or [START] Boston College [END] grad student.
nicola-decao commented 2 years ago

What do you mean alright? The model has not been trained for that

JulesBelveze commented 2 years ago

If this would be correct from a modeling point of view. As you guys might have trained the model on performing multiple disambiguations at once. But thanks for pointing out that you have not đŸ˜ē