facebookresearch / InterHand2.6M

Official PyTorch implementation of "InterHand2.6M: A Dataset and Baseline for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image", ECCV 2020
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Access Denied for some parts in 30fps dataset version #119

Closed pyxploiter closed 2 years ago

pyxploiter commented 2 years ago

EDIT: These files doesn't exist, there was error in my script.


I am trying to download 30fps version of the dataset but for the following parts access is denied and I can't download them:

InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parthq InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parthr InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parths InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.partht InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parthu InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parthv InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parthw InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parthx InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parthy InterHand2.6M.images.30.fps.v1.0.tar.parthz

Thank you