facebookresearch / InterHand2.6M

Official PyTorch implementation of "InterHand2.6M: A Dataset and Baseline for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image", ECCV 2020
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Question about joints order #27

Closed ahsan3803 closed 3 years ago

ahsan3803 commented 3 years ago

@mks0601 what is the order of joints if we talk about only right hand? Can you confirm that order of joint is same as below?


In above list where 00 is the joints closest to wrist and 03 is the finger tips

If order is not same as above list then what is the order of joints?

mks0601 commented 3 years ago

Yes. Both left and right hands have the same joint order.

ahsan3803 commented 3 years ago

@mks0601 I checked InterHand skeleton and seems that joints order is not same as below list


Could you double check about right order?

mks0601 commented 3 years ago

Oh where did you get this order? The joint order is defined in annotations/skeleton.txt.

# keypoint name, keypoint index, parent index
r_thumb4 0 1
r_thumb3 1 2
r_thumb2 2 3
r_thumb1 3 20
r_index4 4 5
r_index3 5 6
r_index2 6 7
r_index1 7 20
r_middle4 8 9
r_middle3 9 10
r_middle2 10 11
r_middle1 11 20
r_ring4 12 13
r_ring3 13 14
r_ring2 14 15
r_ring1 15 20
r_pinky4 16 17
r_pinky3 17 18
r_pinky2 18 19
r_pinky1 19 20
r_wrist 20 -1
l_thumb4 21 22
l_thumb3 22 23
l_thumb2 23 24
l_thumb1 24 41
l_index4 25 26
l_index3 26 27
l_index2 27 28
l_index1 28 41
l_middle4 29 30
l_middle3 30 31
l_middle2 31 32
l_middle1 32 41
l_ring4 33 34
l_ring3 34 35
l_ring2 35 36
l_ring1 36 41
l_pinky4 37 38
l_pinky3 38 39
l_pinky2 39 40
l_pinky1 40 41
l_wrist 41 -1
ahsan3803 commented 3 years ago

@mks0601 I was trying to plot 3D hands using above order. Thanks for clarification.