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A library for Multilingual Unsupervised or Supervised word Embeddings
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Little Confused about embedding!! #158

Open rajeshsahu09 opened 4 years ago

rajeshsahu09 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your contribution!! Mine confusion is this way, I have two monolingual embedding file say (src) A and (tgt) B. I have applied your transformation to get two embedding files (src') C and (tgt') D. Now I know 'A' is the projected onto 'B' which creates C. Why D is there? My confusion is which pair of (source, target) embedding are in common space Whether it is (C, D) in common or (C, B) in common. I have tested performance on (C, D) and (C, B). Performance on both pairs are almost similar, to be precise pair (C, D) is more than pair (C, B). Please help!!