The need to understand cell developmental processes has spawned a plethora of computational methods for discovering hierarchies from scRNAseq data. However, existing techniques are based on Euclidean geometry which is not an optimal choice for modeling complex cell trajectories with multiple branches. To overcome this fundamental representation issue we propose Poincaré maps, a method harnessing the power of hyperbolic geometry into the realm of single-cell data analysis.
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Runtime error with autograd function / module requirements issue? #2
Greetings and thank you for your work on this novel approach! We are pretty excited to try it out on our own data, and are currently trying to reproduce your results first to make sure we understand how to use the approach.
Upon trying to run one of the embeddings, we run into a problem. Note that the following is from a local install within a Win10/Conda environment. I've provided a package list below as well.
Since the error is RuntimeError: Legacy autograd function with non-static forward method is deprecated. Please use new-style autograd function with static forward method, I'll venture to say that I'm probably not using the precise version of PyTorch that PoincareMaps is expecting?
Thank you for advice/guidance.
(poincare) C:\data\PoincareMaps>python --dset MyeloidProgenitors --batchsize -1 --cuda 1 --knn 30 --gamma 2.0 --sigma 2.0 --pca 0 --root root
Computing laplacian...
Laplacian computed in 0.03 sec
Computing RFA...
RFA computed in 0.02 sec
batchsize = 64
Starting training...
0%| | 0/5000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 179, in <module>
File "C:\data\PoincareMaps\", line 41, in train
loss = model.lossfn(model(inputs), targets)
File "C:\Users\cartaij\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\envs\poincare\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 550, in __call__
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "C:\data\PoincareMaps\", line 131, in forward
dists = self.dist()(embs_inputs, embs_all).squeeze(-1)
File "C:\Users\cartaij\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\envs\poincare\lib\site-packages\torch\autograd\", line 145, in __call__
"Legacy autograd function with non-static forward method is deprecated. "
RuntimeError: Legacy autograd function with non-static forward method is deprecated. Please use new-style autograd function with static forward method. (Example:
Hi! I was using pytorch 1.3.1 for this code. I will try to roll out a new version compatible with the latest pytorch in approximately 1-2 week. Thank you for your comment!
Greetings and thank you for your work on this novel approach! We are pretty excited to try it out on our own data, and are currently trying to reproduce your results first to make sure we understand how to use the approach.
Upon trying to run one of the embeddings, we run into a problem. Note that the following is from a local install within a Win10/Conda environment. I've provided a package list below as well.
Since the error is
RuntimeError: Legacy autograd function with non-static forward method is deprecated. Please use new-style autograd function with static forward method
, I'll venture to say that I'm probably not using the precise version of PyTorch that PoincareMaps is expecting?Thank you for advice/guidance.