Can you please elaborate how can i use SentEval integrated with my inferSent model to get the sentence embeddings for my own sentences corpus?
It will also be great to get more insights on interpreting and using the results for similar sentences for our business requirement(sentiment analysis for the keywords entered) which are as follows for the STS16 transfer task used:
Can you please elaborate how can i use SentEval integrated with my inferSent model to get the sentence embeddings for my own sentences corpus?
It will also be great to get more insights on interpreting and using the results for similar sentences for our business requirement(sentiment analysis for the keywords entered) which are as follows for the STS16 transfer task used:
'pearson':(0.25246563397263544, 4.702985203895257e-05 ), 'spearman':SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.3079584675460508, pvalue=5.556290983707961e-07), 'nsamples':254 }, 'headlines':{
'pearson':(0.3635692171614175, 3.385973583781225e-09 ), 'spearman':SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.3514220638099597, pvalue=1.1960065660420662e-08), 'nsamples':249 }, 'plagiarism':{
'pearson':(0.4232950489009525, 2.050858700377934e-11 ), 'spearman':SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.4132543728895399, pvalue=6.698065484617935e-11), 'nsamples':230 }, 'postediting':{
'pearson':(0.6907186645066123, 6.277476490673788e-36 ), 'spearman':SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.7436531853554167, pvalue=3.323825847627377e-44), 'nsamples':244 }, 'question-question':{
'pearson':(-0.028058870107370452, 0.6867356266558649 ), 'spearman':SpearmanrResult(correlation=-0.042384317092789704, pvalue=0.5422977635039196), 'nsamples':209 }, 'all':{
'mean':0.3403979388868495, 'wmean':0.34964917170036636 }, 'spearman':{
'mean':0.35478075450163543, 'wmean':0.3654022810828834 } } } }