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A method to increase the speed and lower the memory footprint of existing vision transformers.
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AttributeError: 'ToMeVisionTransformer' object has no attribute 'norm' #12

Closed vignagajan closed 1 year ago

vignagajan commented 1 year ago


This is the simple but great idea on improving performance of ViT. But I got an error while I'm exploring the code.

I tried to reproduce the MAE evaluation results on Imagenet-1k with vit_base_patch16 using official code of MAE , while I apply tome patch to models_vit.py as mentioned in given example, but it gave error as model is none. So I changed from this,

model = tome.patch.timm(model, prop_attn=False)

to this,

tome.patch.timm(model, prop_attn=False)

I have done this because I already worked with this code on given benchmark. But it gave the new error

File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/ToMe/experiments/models/mae/main_finetune.py", line 360, in main(args) File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/ToMe/experiments/models/mae/main_finetune.py", line 307, in main test_stats = evaluate(data_loader_val, model, device) File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/miniconda3/envs/tome/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/autograd/grad_mode.py", line 27, in decorate_context return func(*args, kwargs) File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/ToMe/experiments/models/mae/engine_finetune.py", line 118, in evaluate output = model(images) File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/miniconda3/envs/tome/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1130, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, *kwargs) File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/ToMe/tome/patch/timm.py", line 114, in forward return super().forward(args, kwdargs) File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/miniconda3/envs/tome/lib/python3.10/site-packages/timm/models/vision_transformer.py", line 347, in forward x = self.forward_features(x) File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/miniconda3/envs/tome/lib/python3.10/site-packages/timm/models/vision_transformer.py", line 340, in forward_features x = self.norm(x) File "/nfs/users/ext_vignagajan.vigneswaran/miniconda3/envs/tome/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1207, in getattr raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format( AttributeError: 'ToMeVisionTransformer' object has no attribute 'norm'

I explored the code but I didn't able to fix it. Can you help me through this to fix that error?

dbolya commented 1 year ago

Added a mae-specific patch to fix this.