facebookresearch / ToMe

A method to increase the speed and lower the memory footprint of existing vision transformers.
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[WIP] Patch for CLIP #21

Open FrancescoSaverioZuppichini opened 1 year ago

FrancescoSaverioZuppichini commented 1 year ago

Hi :wave:

Thanks for the amazing work on ToMe. I am trying to create a patch for CLIP. The main issue is that I cannot use PyTorch optimized attention implementation because I cannot edit the source code to weight the attention matrix with the log of the size. This results in slower forward pass.

This is the code I've used to benchmark the patch

import torch

from tome.patch.clip import ToMeAttention, apply_patch


import clip
import torch
from torch.utils import benchmark

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model, preprocess = clip.load("ViT-B/32", device=device)
import time

def profile_model(fn, min_run_time=2):
    # warmup
    for _ in range(4):
    res = benchmark.Timer(
        stmt="fn()", globals={"fn": fn}, label="profile", sub_label="", description=""
    memory = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / 2**20
    memory = f"Memory used: {memory} MB"

with torch.no_grad():
    x = torch.randn((1, 3, 224, 224)).cuda()
    model.visual = model.visual.float()

    profile_model(lambda: model.visual(x))

    model.visual.r = 8

    profile_model(lambda: model.visual(x))

Resulting in

Original CLIP

  Median: 4.86 ms
  IQR:    0.18 ms (4.80 to 4.98)
  5 measurements, 100 runs per measurement, 1 thread
Memory used: 507.9794921875 MB


  Median: 9.85 ms
  IQR:    0.44 ms (9.51 to 9.95)
  21 measurements, 10 runs per measurement, 1 thread

Any idea how to use ToMe when nn.MultiHead or anything else (like stuff from xformers) is used?

From my benchmarks it looks like somebody would be better off to just use the build in implementation in torch than to use ToMe

Thanks a lot,


facebook-github-bot commented 1 year ago

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dbolya commented 1 year ago

Hi thanks for trying this out. Yeah the native timm implementation for Attention is not very efficient.

There are two things we need from attn:

  1. The key values (k) to use as metrics for merging
  2. To add sizes to the pre (or post) softmax attn matrix

The problem, as you've discovered, is that getting / setting those values from nn.MultiHeadAttn is very much non-trivial, since it computes K and applies the softmax internally.

For 1, we have the in_proj_weight matrix (which includes W_k), so we could just re-compute the keys ourselves (which would take extra time, but it's not the end of the world). For 2, there may be a hacky way to add what we want to the pre-softmax matrix by modifying the biases (i.e., in_proj_bias or k_bias, idk which) on the fly.

Neither 1 or 2 are strict requirements, though, but of course they make the result more accurate.

First, I would try what happens if you use nn.MultiHeadAttn without 1 or 2. Simply call the normal attention module (not ToMeAttn) and then use the input x as the metric (instead of k). Once that gives a speed improvement, then we can start thinking of making it more accurate by incorporating 1 or 2.

AlexKoff88 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I used this implementation partially fixed some issues and addressed performance problem that comes from an unnecessary permutation of tensor dimensions. I applied it to OpenCLIP models. Please find my implementation here. Any feedback is appreciated.

FrancescoSaverioZuppichini commented 1 year ago

Hi, I used this implementation partially fixed some issues and addressed performance problem that comes from an unnecessary permutation of tensor dimensions. I applied it to OpenCLIP models. Please find my implementation here. Any feedback is appreciated.

is it faster?

AlexKoff88 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I used this implementation partially fixed some issues and addressed performance problem that comes from an unnecessary permutation of tensor dimensions. I applied it to OpenCLIP models. Please find my implementation here. Any feedback is appreciated.

is it faster?

yes, it is especially if you run inference on CPU where there is not such much compute.

dbolya commented 1 year ago

Hi @AlexKoff88, sounds great! Do you know how the zero-shot accuracy of your implementation compares? E.g., on imagenet val.

AlexKoff88 commented 1 year ago

Hi, it depends on the number of tokens you merge from block to block. I found that the accuracy degrades significantly on COCO Captions if I want to achieve 2x speedup. My hope is that some lightweight fine-tuning can help here. Working on it.