facebookresearch / VideoPose3D

Efficient 3D human pose estimation in video using 2D keypoint trajectories
3.69k stars 748 forks source link

Question about the CC-BY-NC license #178

Open JinchengWang opened 3 years ago

JinchengWang commented 3 years ago

Thank you for this awesome project!

However, this repository is licensed under CC-BY-NC, which does not satisfy the definition of Open Source by the Open Source Initiative (section 6 in particular). https://opensource.org/docs/definition.php

See also, https://opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/9805/can-i-license-my-project-with-an-open-source-license-but-disallow-commercial-use

In addition, Creative Commons recommend against use of their licenses for software in general. https://creativecommons.org/faq/#can-i-apply-a-creative-commons-license-to-software

If this choice of license isn't intentional, it would be really appreciated if you could kindly consider switching to a more commonly used software license :D

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Opinions expressed here are solely of my own and does not represent those of my employer or any other affiliations.

chengxiaoai commented 3 years ago

hi.buddy .I want to do something on this project.can you contact me. email me 10041091110@qq.com