facebookresearch / XLM

PyTorch original implementation of Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining.
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Instructions For Runnig Model #208

Open yusufani opened 4 years ago

yusufani commented 4 years ago

Hi, I couldn't find any file or instruction to use the model .I want to make text generation with the XLM model in English and Turkish . Here's what I've tried to run the model:

FAISS library  was not found.
FAISS not available. Switching to standard nearest neighbors search implementation.
INFO - 10/01/19 12:48:51 - 0:00:01 - ============ Initialized logger ============
INFO - 10/01/19 12:48:51 - 0:00:01 - batch_size: 32
                                     command: python translate.py --exp_name translate --src_lang en --tgt_lang fr --model_path 'models/model-1-MT-ENG-FR/mlm_enfr_1024.pth' --output_path output --exp_id "vhx58jxgti"
                                     dump_path: ./dumped/translate/vhx58jxgti
                                     exp_id: vhx58jxgti
                                     exp_name: translate
                                     model_path: models/model-1-MT-ENG-FR/mlm_enfr_1024.pth
                                     output_path: output
                                     src_lang: en
                                     tgt_lang: fr
INFO - 10/01/19 12:48:51 - 0:00:01 - The experiment will be stored in ./dumped/translate/vhx58jxgti

INFO - 10/01/19 12:48:51 - 0:00:01 - Running command: python translate.py --exp_name translate --src_lang en --tgt_lang fr --model_path 'models/model-1-MT-ENG-FR/mlm_enfr_1024.pth' --output_path output
Model Parameters ->> {'same_enc_dec': True, 'emb_dim': 1024, 'n_layers': 6, 'n_heads': 8, 'dropout': 0.1, 'attention_dropout': 0.1, 'gelu_activation': True, 'share_inout_emb': True, 'sinusoidal_embeddings': False, 'asm': False, 'max_vocab': -1, 'min_count': 0, 'id2lang': {0: 'en', 1: 'fr'}, 'lang2id': {'en': 0, 'fr': 1}, 'n_langs': 2, 'n_words': 64139}
INFO - 10/01/19 12:49:00 - 0:00:10 - Supported languages: en, fr
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "translate.py", line 141, in <module>
  File "translate.py", line 71, in main
    setattr(params, name, getattr(model_params, name))
AttributeError: 'AttrDict' object has no attribute 'bos_index'

Can you share step-by-step instructions on how to run the model?

aykutakdenizz commented 4 years ago

That is exactly what I need. I search in many websites and tried everything. But I can not find anything.I can’t handle any successful method. I am very thankful if somebody solves this problem.

ahmetbagci8 commented 4 years ago

I am working on similar situation. If anyone solves this problem please help me

glample commented 4 years ago


Can you try to remove 'bos_index' from this line: https://github.com/facebookresearch/XLM/blob/master/translate.py#L70 and see what happens?

glample commented 4 years ago

The box_index is not used anymore, as we only add eos_index (end of sentence index) both before and after sentences.

yusufani commented 4 years ago

Actually I tried to remove 'bos_index' from line 70 but it didn't work . I got this Error from same line:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "translate.py", line 142, in <module>
  File "translate.py", line 72, in main
    setattr(params, name, getattr(model_params, name))
AttributeError: 'AttrDict' object has no attribute 'eos_index'

As you can see from below , model have only these parameters : {'same_enc_dec': True, 'emb_dim': 1024, 'n_layers': 6, 'n_heads': 8, 'dropout': 0.1, 'attention_dropout': 0.1, 'gelu_activation': True, 'share_inout_emb': True, 'sinusoidal_embeddings': False, 'asm': False, 'max_vocab': -1, 'min_count': 0, 'id2lang': {0: 'en', 1: 'fr'}, 'lang2id': {'en': 0, 'fr': 1}, 'n_langs': 2, 'n_words': 64139}

So , I must have made a mistake somewhere, but I can't find it, even though I've tried it over and over again. I'm very eager to use XLM. Could you tell me what to do step by step?

glample commented 4 years ago

Really sorry about this. There is something we probably did not do correctly and I'm not sure why you have this issue. I'll have a look at it next week because unfortunately I don't have much time these days..

However, it looks like it should be easy to fix. Can you try something like in this notebook? https://github.com/facebookresearch/XLM/blob/master/generate-embeddings.ipynb Typically this cell:

dico = Dictionary(reloaded['dico_id2word'], reloaded['dico_word2id'], reloaded['dico_counts'])
params.n_words = len(dico)
params.bos_index = dico.index(BOS_WORD)
params.eos_index = dico.index(EOS_WORD)
params.pad_index = dico.index(PAD_WORD)
params.unk_index = dico.index(UNK_WORD)
params.mask_index = dico.index(MASK_WORD)

If you have the dictionary stored in the reloaded model (which should really be the case) then it should be called dico_word2id: https://github.com/facebookresearch/XLM/blob/master/src/trainer.py#L519-L521

Actually, this is what the next line in translate.py is loading: https://github.com/facebookresearch/XLM/blob/master/translate.py#L74

yusufani commented 4 years ago

I really appreciate your help. But as I mentioned in my first message, I've already tried the code snippet you specified. In addition, I'm adding the results here, indicating that it was successfully completed.

Then we can say that now we are sure that there is no problem with the model we added. Somehow I have trouble calling in the translate.py file. Unfortunately, I cannot find and solve the problem because I do not know the internal structure of the model or code. I'll be waiting for your help when you're available.

Is it also possible to publish a notebook, kernel or code using the XLM model for young people like me , who want to learn and apply NLP? In this way, we can achieve much faster and trouble-free results.

mohammedayub44 commented 4 years ago

I tried to troubleshoot this further. I set the params like below as mentioned in above comment: model_params.bos_index = dico.index(BOS_WORD) ... and added import statement from src.data.dictionary import Dictionary, BOS_WORD, EOS_WORD, PAD_WORD, UNK_WORD, MASK_WORD

to get rid of the above error. However, i get an error saying the reloaded model dict does not have 'encoder' or 'decoder'.


I check the reloaded model dict , it does not have 'encoder' and 'decoder' keys -
