Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 24, in <module>
env = env.set_info_dict_reader(info_dict_reader=reader)
File "/home/rutavms/research/robohive/latest/rl/torchrl/envs/", line 284, in set_info_dict_reader
self.observation_spec[info_key] = spec
File "/home/rutavms/research/robohive/latest/rl/torchrl/data/", line 1257, in __setitem__
raise RuntimeError(
RuntimeError: Setting a new attribute (solved) on another device (cpu against cuda:0). All devices of CompositeSpec must match.
I locally fixed in torchRL by simply adding
While running the code, it leads to an error:
I locally fixed in torchRL by simply adding