facebookresearch / assemblyhands-toolkit

AssemblyHands Toolkit is a Python package that provides data loader, visualization, and evaluation tools for the AssemblyHands dataset (CVPR 2023).
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Empty test set #8

Closed gmindflow closed 1 year ago

gmindflow commented 1 year ago


In the link you provided for downloading 'ego_images_rectified', the test set appears to be empty. Could you check this issue please?

Thank you.

gmindflow commented 1 year ago

Also, running python -m src.dataset.AssemblyHands-Ego.dataset, I'm getting an error that: "Load checkpoint not found /home/(user)/assemblyhands-toolkit/output/assemblyhands-ego/model_dump/snapshot_20.pth.tar" .

Is this error caused because the repository is supposed to have the snapshot_20.pth.tar file, or is it that I have some problems running the given code and the checkpoint is not created?

Could you give me some help please.

tkhkaeio commented 1 year ago

I've uploaded test data for ICCV HANDS challenge. Please see gdrive.

output/assemblyhands-ego/model_dump is the directory created after training. Without it, you can use InterHands' checkpoint for the test. https://github.com/facebookresearch/InterHand2.6M