facebookresearch / ava-256

Train universal codec avatars
72 stars 4 forks source link

camera views #12

Open bbakpil opened 1 month ago

bbakpil commented 1 month ago

Hello, thanks for your kind reply on the precious issue.

In the decoder/image folder of each subject, the cameraxxxxxx.zip file names may differ for each subject. For example, cam401161.zip exists in 20230725--1218--KXI621, but it doesn't exist in 20210817--0900--NRE683. Is this how it’s supposed to be?

I'm trying to find only the frontal images, so I checked the file name in one subject and planned to use the same file name for the other subjects.

una-dinosauria commented 1 month ago


Yes, this is expected, not all subjects have the same cameras available.

For frontal rendering you can use this subset: https://github.com/facebookresearch/ava-256/blob/c0bcc353f681e6eb7796eaa9771a8630ddc7b5bf/ddp-train.py#L61

If the first camera is missing, try the next one and so on.
