facebookresearch / co-tracker

CoTracker is a model for tracking any point (pixel) on a video.
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Is a relicensing planned like Dinov2? #31

Open bhack opened 9 months ago

bhack commented 9 months ago

Recetly Meta relicensed Dinov2: https://ai.meta.com/blog/dinov2-facet-computer-vision-fairness-evaluation/

Is there any plan also with Co-tracker?

nikitakaraevv commented 9 months ago

Hi @bhack, we would like to do it, but we don't have a definitive answer yet.

bhack commented 6 months ago

Any progress on this for v2?

nikitakaraevv commented 6 months ago

Not yet, we will try to work on it for the next version.

Any progress on this for v2?

bhack commented 1 month ago

Have you re-evaluated this recently?

nikitakaraevv commented 3 days ago

Hi @bhack, it's stuck unfortunately. I think we'll have to stick with the current license for the next version.

bhack commented 3 days ago

Ok same issue with the sfm just recently pointed in the Readme. It starts to seem the new/default policy of Meta research teams.