facebookresearch / co3d

Tooling for the Common Objects In 3D dataset.
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(1) Where are camera parameters stored in the dataset? (2) About depth-pointcloud consistency. #62

Closed YunzeMan closed 1 year ago

YunzeMan commented 1 year ago

I just started using this amazing dataset. However, looking at the unzipped directory systems, I'm not quite sure where the camera parameters (intrinsic and extrinsic matrices) are stored.

Are they stored in frame_annotations.jgz or some other places?

One additional question is about the correspondence between depth map and point cloud. If I convert one GT depth map into a point cloud with the GT camera matrix, will it be consistent with the GT point cloud pointcloud.ply?

Thank you.

davnov134 commented 1 year ago

Hi, camera annotations for each category are indeed in frame_annotations.jgz. pointcloud.ply will be approximately consistent with unprojected depths, i.e. you will not be able to extract a precise correspondence between the point cloud points and the depth map points, but they will follow the same surface.

YunzeMan commented 1 year ago

Thanks. This is very helpful.