facebookresearch / d2go

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Unable to export to torchscript and int8 model #176

Open vishnukarthik-1994 opened 2 years ago

vishnukarthik-1994 commented 2 years ago


When I try to export my trained model into int8 by calling convert_and_export_predictor_method, I run into the following issue: TypeError: 'bool' object is not iterable

Reference code:

`import copy from detectron2.data import build_detection_test_loader from d2go.export.api import convert_and_export_predictor from d2go.export.d2_meta_arch import patch_d2_meta_arch

import logging

previous_level = logging.root.manager.disable logging.disable(logging.INFO)


pytorch_model = runner.build_model(cfg, eval_only=True) pytorch_model.cpu()

datasets = cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN[0] data_loader = runner.build_detection_test_loader(cfg, datasets)

predictor_path = convert_and_export_predictor( copy.deepcopy(cfg), copy.deepcopy(pytorch_model), "torchscript_int8@tracing", './', data_loader )


Issue seen:

File ~\anaconda3\envs\capstone_3\lib\site-packages\torch\ao\quantization\fuser_method_mappings.py:129, in get_fuser_method(op_list, additional_fuser_method_mapping) 127 if additional_fuser_method_mapping is None: 128 additional_fuser_method_mapping = dict() --> 129 all_mappings = get_combined_dict(DEFAULT_OP_LIST_TO_FUSER_METHOD, 130 additional_fuser_method_mapping) 131 fuser_method = all_mappings.get(op_list, None) 132 assert fuser_method is not None, "did not find fuser method for: {} ".format(op_list)

File ~\anaconda3\envs\capstone_3\lib\site-packages\torch\ao\quantization\utils.py:12, in get_combined_dict(default_dict, additional_dict) 10 def get_combined_dict(default_dict, additional_dict): 11 d = default_dict.copy() ---> 12 d.update(additional_dict) 13 return d

TypeError: 'bool' object is not iterable

Before running into this issue, I had also faced another problem in fuse_utils.py which I overcame by making this change:

    if fuser_method is None or mod_list[0].training:
        #return fuse_known_modules(mod_list, is_qat=is_qat) -> old code
        return fuse_known_modules(mod_list, is_qat)

After this change, I run into the bool object not iterable issue.

My analysis: 1) fuse_known_modules(mod_list, is_qat) -> here is_qat is false

2) def fuse_known_modules(mod_list, additional_fuser_method_mapping=None):

3) fuser_method = get_fuser_method(types, additional_fuser_method_mapping)

4) additional_fuser_method_mapping is false now as it is is_qat from the call stack.

5) get_fuser_method calls this function: all_mappings = get_combined_dict(DEFAULT_OP_LIST_TO_FUSER_METHOD, additional_fuser_method_mapping)

6) def get_combined_dict(default_dict, additional_dict): d = default_dict.copy() d.update(additional_dict) return d

Since additional_dict is additional_fuser_method_mapping which is false (a boolean), I ran into this problem.

zhanghang1989 commented 2 years ago

Could you use the command at https://github.com/facebookresearch/d2go/tree/main/demo#export-to-torchscript--int8-model

wat3rBro commented 2 years ago

Please pull the latest mobile-vision repo as it has the latest fuse_utils.py, it should solve the issue.

yuzhuhua commented 6 months ago


I used the above command, but because I was using a custom data set, I kept getting errors. KeyError showed an unregistered data set.