Sample from topn: -1
-- End Patternv2 ---
New MCTS game, signature: 2016-11-15_17-24-48 ------------ Parameters for Search -----------------
Local Pipe path: /home/bio1607b/Downloads/darkforestGo/local_evaluator
Verbose: 1
PrintSearchTree: false
GPU: 1
Use CPU rollout only: false
Komi: 6.5
dynkomi_factor: 0.00
Rule: chinese
Use heuristic time management: 0, max_time_spent: 0.000000, min_time_spent: 0.000000
+++++++++++ Tree #0 ++++++++++++
Verbose: 1
Threads: 16
Receivers: 1
Sigma: 0.05, over n: false
Async mode: false
RAVE: false
num_rollout: 1000
num_rollout_per_move: 1000
num_playout_per_rollout: 1
num_rollout_peekable: 20000
num_dcnn_per_move: 1000
rcv_acc_percent_thres: 80
rcv_max_num_move: 20
rcv_min_num_move: 1
expand_n_thres: 0
decision_mixture_ratio: 5.0
Use pondering: false
Time limit: 0
% of threads running playout when expanding node: 0
single_move_return: false
default_policy: PATTERN_V2 [-1, T: 0.125]
+++++++++++ End Tree ++++++++++++
--------- End parameters for Search --------------
/home/bio1607b/torch/install/bin/luajit: ../cnnPlayerV2/cnnPlayerV2Framework.lua:216: attempt to concatenate local 'donnot_flip_vertical' (a boolean value)
stack traceback:
../cnnPlayerV2/cnnPlayerV2Framework.lua:216: in function 'setup_board'
../cnnPlayerV2/cnnPlayerV2Framework.lua:877: in function '__init'
/home/bio1607b/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/class/init.lua:164: in function 'CNNPlayerV2'
cnnPlayerMCTSV2.lua:336: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'dofile'
...607b/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:145: in main chunk
[C]: at 0x00406670
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
th cnnPlayerMCTSV2.lua [other_options] --setup_board "/path/to/sgf 23"
I used it but it has some error
bio1607b@bio1607b-MS-7817:~/Downloads/darkforestGo/cnnPlayerV2$ th cnnPlayerMCTSV2.lua --save_sgf_per_move --num_gpu 1 --pipe_path /home/bio1607b/Downloads/darkforestGo/local_evaluator --setup_board "/home/bio1607b/Downloads/darkforestGo/cnnPlayerV2/18760408.sgf 12" Pattern file ../models/playout-model.bin loaded! CNNPlayerV2MCTSParams is NULL, set default parameters. Pattern file ../models/playout-model.bin loaded! ---- PatternV2 -----
hash_size: 1048576, NUM_PRIOR: 17, LEN_PRIOR: 49
Verbose: 1, cnt_threshold: 1, alpha: 0.015000, batch_size: 8, temperature: 0.125000, ply_fraction: 0.001000 neighbor: true, nakade: true, resp: true, save_atari: true, kill_other: true, global: false, ko: true, put_group_to_atari: true, eye: true
Pattern: 754901, collision: 198968663
Sample from topn: -1 -- End Patternv2 --- New MCTS game, signature: 2016-11-15_17-24-48 ------------ Parameters for Search ----------------- Local Pipe path: /home/bio1607b/Downloads/darkforestGo/local_evaluator Verbose: 1 PrintSearchTree: false
GPU: 1
Use CPU rollout only: false
Komi: 6.5 dynkomi_factor: 0.00 Rule: chinese Use heuristic time management: 0, max_time_spent: 0.000000, min_time_spent: 0.000000 +++++++++++ Tree #0 ++++++++++++ Verbose: 1
Threads: 16
Receivers: 1
Sigma: 0.05, over n: false Async mode: false RAVE: false UCT: PUCT num_rollout: 1000 num_rollout_per_move: 1000 num_playout_per_rollout: 1 num_rollout_peekable: 20000 num_dcnn_per_move: 1000 rcv_acc_percent_thres: 80 rcv_max_num_move: 20 rcv_min_num_move: 1 expand_n_thres: 0 decision_mixture_ratio: 5.0 Use pondering: false Time limit: 0 % of threads running playout when expanding node: 0 single_move_return: false default_policy: PATTERN_V2 [-1, T: 0.125] +++++++++++ End Tree ++++++++++++ --------- End parameters for Search -------------- /home/bio1607b/torch/install/bin/luajit: ../cnnPlayerV2/cnnPlayerV2Framework.lua:216: attempt to concatenate local 'donnot_flip_vertical' (a boolean value) stack traceback: ../cnnPlayerV2/cnnPlayerV2Framework.lua:216: in function 'setup_board' ../cnnPlayerV2/cnnPlayerV2Framework.lua:877: in function '__init' /home/bio1607b/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/class/init.lua:164: in function 'CNNPlayerV2' cnnPlayerMCTSV2.lua:336: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' ...607b/torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:145: in main chunk [C]: at 0x00406670 Segmentation fault (core dumped)