facebookresearch / darkforestGo

DarkForest, the Facebook Go engine.
2.1k stars 325 forks source link

Gen doesnot known command - kgs-game_over , so that Game cannot finish and cannot start a new game. #35

Open leesng opened 7 years ago

leesng commented 7 years ago

二月 07, 2017 12:16:42 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.GtpClient d 非常详细: Got successful response to command "genmove w": = G7 二月 07, 2017 12:16:42 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.a a 非常详细: Submitting move g7 to server timeleft -- color: w, num_seconds: 49, num_moves: 0二月 07, 2017 12:16:42 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.GtpClient d 非常详细: Command sent to engine: time_left w 49 0 二月 07, 2017 12:16:42 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.GtpClient d 非常详细: Got successful response to command "time_left w 49 0": = 二月 07, 2017 12:21:28 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.a b 警告: Opponent has not returned. Leaving game. 二月 07, 2017 12:21:28 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.GtpClient d 非常详细: Command sent to engine: kgs-game_over 二月 07, 2017 12:21:28 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.GtpClient d 严重: Got malformed response from engine: Warning: Ignoring unknown command - kgs-game_over ? ???. nil 二月 07, 2017 12:21:28 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.GtpClient c 详细: Game ended. Starting another. 二月 07, 2017 12:21:28 上午 com.gokgs.client.gtp.GtpClient a 非常详细: Still an outstanding command, will wait until the system is idle before making a new game.