facebookresearch / darkforestGo

DarkForest, the Facebook Go engine.
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Segmentation Fault on --cpu_only #38

Closed ofekih closed 7 years ago

ofekih commented 7 years ago

I'm getting the following error:

th cnnPlayerMCTSV2.lua --cpu_only Pattern file ../models/playout-model.bin loaded! CNNPlayerV2MCTSclear_board Params is NULL, set default parameters. Pattern file ../models/playout-model.bin loaded! ---- PatternV2 -----

hash_size: 1048576, NUM_PRIOR: 17, LEN_PRIOR: 49

Verbose: 1, cnt_threshold: 1, alpha: 0.015000, batch_size: 8, temperature: 0.125000, ply_fraction: 0.001000 neighbor: true, nakade: true, resp: true, save_atari: true, kill_other: true, global: false, ko: true, put_group_to_atari: true, eye: true

Pattern: 754901, collision: 198968663

Sample from topn: -1 -- End Patternv2 --- Segmentation fault

Any ideas how to fix it?