facebookresearch / demucs

Code for the paper Hybrid Spectrogram and Waveform Source Separation
MIT License
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License of pre-trained models #327

Open Magix-Jakob opened 2 years ago

Magix-Jakob commented 2 years ago

I am interested in distributing demucs as part of a commercial project, including one of the provided pre-trained models. I am aware that demucs itself is licensed under the MIT license, so that should not be a problem. Considering the models however, I am unsure if they are licensed under the same license. Can somebody help me with that?

adefossez commented 2 years ago

The model weights are not covered by the MIT license, and are provided only for scientific purposes.

gitbearflying commented 2 weeks ago

Is it ok to provide the converted weights like Intel does it here? https://huggingface.co/Intel/demucs-openvino Is it ok for a linux distribution to provide the weights as package?

Intel labeled the weights with the MIT license, which one would would be an correct match for "scientific purposes"? Hugginface lets choose from following licenses: mit apache-2.0 openrail cc-by-4.0 other cc-by-sa-4.0 cc-by-nc-4.0 cc-by-nc-sa-4.0 cc0-1.0 cc afl-3.0 cc-by-nc-nd-4.0 cc-by-sa-3.0 gpl-3.0 creativeml-openrail-m llama2 odc-by wtfpl cc-by-3.0 unlicense bigscience-openrail-m bsd artistic-2.0 cc-by-2.0 agpl-3.0 gpl llama3 odbl c-uda cc-by-nd-4.0 bsd-3-clause cc-by-nc-2.0 pddl gfdl cc-by-nc-sa-3.0 openrail++ cc-by-nc-3.0 gpl-2.0 cdla-sharing-1.0 bigcode-openrail-m bigscience-bloom-rail-1.0 bsd-2-clause mpl-2.0 cc-by-nc-nd-3.0 lgpl-3.0 cc-by-2.5 cdla-permissive-2.0 ecl-2.0 bsl-1.0 eupl-1.1 ms-pl cc-by-nc-sa-2.0 bsd-3-clause-clear etalab-2.0 lgpl osl-3.0 gemma postgresql lgpl-2.1 isc ofl-1.1 zlib lgpl-lr deepfloyd-if-license cdla-permissive-1.0 lppl-1.3c ncsa epl-2.0 epl-1.0

CarlGao4 commented 2 weeks ago

The models are trained using MusDB dataset, which requires the result model can only be used for research purpose. As long as Intel didn't use datasets like MusDB, their models can be published for non-research purpose.