facebookresearch / detectron2

Detectron2 is a platform for object detection, segmentation and other visual recognition tasks.
Apache License 2.0
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DensePose的apply_net.py运行dump的选项时候,如何多gpu运行呢? #5279

Open gitPZH opened 1 month ago

gitPZH commented 1 month ago


Programmer-RD-AI commented 1 month ago

Hi, Check the following links it should help you get an understanding and hopefully resolve your issue..

  1. https://discuss.ray.io/t/parallel-detectron2-pytorch-inference-with-gpu/6267
  2. https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/getting_started.html#training-evaluation-in-command-line
  3. https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/blob/main/projects/DensePose/apply_net.py

Let me know if there is more issues.. Thanks