facebookresearch / detr

End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers
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Train DETR using small dataset (3k examples) #419

Open micheleantonazzi opened 3 years ago

micheleantonazzi commented 3 years ago

❓ How to fine-tune DETR using a small dataset (3k examples)

Hi everyone, I'm using DETR in my master's thesis: it concerns the development of a door recognizer. This is my first experience with transformers, so I would like to share the results I have obtained with my experiments and ask for advice to improve them. Before using my doors' dataset, I'm testing DETR on a public dataset used in other research works. It is called DeepDoors2. It has 3k examples, divided into 3 different types of doors: closed, opened, and semi-opened.

Retrain DETR

I tried to retrain DETR using the default parameters specified in your main.py. I loaded it using the following code:

self.model = torch.hub.load('facebookresearch/detr', 'detr_resnet50', pretrained=False)
self.model.query_embed = nn.Embedding(10, 256)
self.model.class_embed = nn.Linear(self.model.transformer.d_model, 4)

As you can see, I replaced the class_embed layer and I reduced the object queries to 10. As reported in other issues (#125, #9), retrain DETR using less than 10-15k samples is not recommended. In fact, my results are not good, as shown by the following figure. losses

Fine-tune class_embed and box_embed

In the next experiment, I have fine-tuned only the layers that return the predicted labels and the bounding boxes. I created the model using the following code:

self.model = torch.hub.load('facebookresearch/detr', 'detr_resnet50', pretrained=True)
for p in self.mode.parameters():
   p.requires_grad = False
self.model.class_embed = nn.Linear(256, 4)
self.model.bbox_embed = MLP(256, 256, 4, 3)

The obtained results are better than the previous ones, as shown by the figure. losses_2

However, the model does not seem to learn more and the bounding boxes found are not good.

Fine-tune the entire trained model (work in progress)

The last experiment concerns the fine-tuning of the entire trained model. The experiment is in progress, I will publish the results soon. I loaded the model using the following code:

self.model = torch.hub.load('facebookresearch/detr', 'detr_resnet50', pretrained=True)
self.model.class_embed = nn.Linear(256, 4)

I have changed the following parameters:


1) In the first two experiments, could there be some error? Are their results plausible? 2) The last experiment is the promising one, as reported in #125. Are the parameters I have set correct? Would you have any other suggestions to obtain better results?

NB: I performed all the experiments applying the same data augmentation of DETR (crop, resize, flip ecc) and with a batch size of 1.

Thank you so much in advance for any suggestions.

NielsRogge commented 3 years ago


looking at this, I would definitely go for option 3 (this is also what's done with models like BERT). Typically, the classification head is trained with the model jointly to get the best performance.

Btw, I have a notebook that illustrates how to easily fine-tune DETR on a custom dataset (balloons): https://github.com/NielsRogge/Transformers-Tutorials/blob/master/DETR/Fine_tuning_DetrForObjectDetection_on_custom_dataset_(balloon).ipynb

It's part of my Transformers-tutorials, where I show how to easily fine-tune Transformer-based models on custom data using HuggingFace Transformers. I've added DETR myself to that library, I've implemented both DetrForObjectDetection and DetrForPanopticSegmentation.