Closed Epiphqny closed 4 years ago
Hi @Epiphqny If you follow the recipe of the paper (which is the fastest way we have currently), you should:
Good luck! I believe I have answered your question, and as such I'm closing this. Feel free to reach out if you have further questions.
@alcinos Thank you very much for your quick reply. Actually I only want to train the instance segmentation model directly without bbox pretrained, and I use the command "python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --masks --coco_path /path/to/coco" to train the model, and found it runs much slower than the bbox only version, is it correct to train instance segmentation? Do I need to change other code for the task?
@Epiphqny Hi, even when you just want the instance masks you are better off training boxes in detection mode followed by masks only training, for me it was a lot faster and performed better. Basically as @alcinos said, train without masks until bbox convergence, in your case like this python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --coco_path /path/to/coco
. Then freeze all layers except for the bbox_attention
and mask_head
and train with --masks
until your mask AP converged. And no, AFAIK you don't need to change any code, the mask-flag should automatically provide the Intermediate resnet layers required to the mask-head. This way your instance segmentation trains a lot faster. Good Luck.
What @mlk1337 said is correct. Some remarks:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --coco_path /path/to/coco --output_dir /path/to/out_directory_for_boxes
. This should train for 300 epochs with default settingspython -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env --coco_path /path/to/coco --masks --epochs 25 --lr_drop 15 --frozen_weights /path/to/out_directory_for_boxes/checkpoint.pth --output_dir /path/to/out_directory_for_masks
. 25 epochs is generally enough for coco, but you can increase if you feel like convergence is not reached.Good luck!
@mlk1337 @alcinos Thank you very much for the detailed instructions. Yes previously I want to train boxes and masks simultaneously and found it is too costly. I will follow the "train boxes -> freeze -> train masks" way.
@alcinos could you send a PR clarifying a bit more the README on this part?
Wonderful work! May I ask how long it takes to train the panoptic segmentation network? I trained the mask branch and found it is much lower than the detection-only network.