facebookresearch / digit-interface

Python interface for the DIGIT tactile sensor
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Capture errors in VGA mode #10

Open suddhu opened 2 years ago

suddhu commented 2 years ago


I'm trying to stream images from the DIGIT in 640x480 resolution. However, there seems to be occasional glitches in the frames along with a lateral translation of the entire frame. This doesn't occur for me in the 320 x 240 mode. I've attached a video below illustrating the problem, along with the minimal code example.

Would you happen to know any reason this occurs? Any pointers would be much appreciated, thank you for your time!


from digit_interface import Digit, DigitHandler

connected_digit = DigitHandler.list_digits()[0]
d = Digit(connected_digit['serial'])


Name: None /dev/video2
        - Model: DIGIT
        - Revision: 200
        - Connected?: True
Stream Info:
        - Resolution: 320 x 240
        - FPS: 60
        - LED Intensity: 4095



NFiedler commented 2 years ago

I struggle with the same issue. Thanks a lot for mentioning that it doesn't occur in QVGA mode! This helped me a lot. However, a fix or a hint would be much appreciated.

AlphaBetaPhi commented 2 years ago

Hi @suddhu, @NFiedler,

Can you confirm if you're using the latest firmware?

NFiedler commented 2 years ago

I am using the current version of this repository on a Ubuntu 20.04.

yujinkim0301 commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. Did you get a solution to solve this problem?

AlphaBetaPhi commented 1 year ago

@NFiedler , @yujinkim0301 can you confirm which version of the firmware you are using?

yujinkim0301 commented 1 year ago

How can I check the firmware? If it's the same as the version in digit_interfaces, it's 0.2.1. And on August 19, 2022, 5 digital sensors were purchased.

suddhu commented 1 year ago

@AlphaBetaPhi I'm using revision 200, which I believe is the latest version of the firmware. I've also observed that this issue does occasionally come up for QVGA video as well.

AnatoliyZabrovskiy commented 5 months ago

Hi! Any news on this issue? What is the latest firmware version and how to update it? Thank you.