In tests/ line 20 and 21, I tried a few scenarios
d=256 and n=1000 -> Fail assertGreater(prev, o) line 33 and get WARNING clustering 1000 points to 32 centroids: please provide at least 1248 training points
d=256 and n=1248 -> Pass
d=512 and n=1248 -> Fail again at line 33 and no warning
In general I don't understand why the algorithm/expected behavior should depend on special choices of d and n, if performance is not the concern.
Faiss version: git commit 06ae6b8a590f3941e9c8b1e1ea0ee9d872045783
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Reproduction instructions
In tests/ line 20 and 21, I tried a few scenarios
assertGreater(prev, o)
line 33 and getWARNING clustering 1000 points to 32 centroids: please provide at least 1248 training points
In general I don't understand why the algorithm/expected behavior should depend on special choices of d and n, if performance is not the concern.