facebookresearch / faiss

A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
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Help! core dump: trained on gpu, search on disk #2356

Open Jar7 opened 2 years ago

Jar7 commented 2 years ago

UPDATE: Sorry I found it occurs even with faiss-cpu. There is nothing to do with gpu.(Although I did uninstall faiss-gpu and reinstall faiss-cpu). Here is the code. You can run and repro it.

Hello, Can an index trained on gpu be merged to disk index? run the following code and got core dump.

core dump issue

import faiss
import numpy as np
from faiss.contrib.ondisk import merge_ondisk

index = faiss.index_factory(512, "IDMap,IVF32,Flat", faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT)
#index = faiss.index_cpu_to_all_gpus(index)
npy = np.random.rand(100,512).astype(np.float32)
#index = faiss.index_gpu_to_cpu(index)
faiss.write_index(index, 'trained_ivf32.index')

feats = np.random.rand(100,512).astype(np.float32)
index.add_with_ids(feats, np.array(range(len(feats))))
faiss.write_index(index, 'index_mem.index')

index = faiss.read_index('trained_ivf32.index')
out_index = 'trained_ivf32_disk.index'
merge_ondisk(index, ['index_mem.index'], out_ivfdata)
print('merged', out_ivfdata)
faiss.write_index(index, out_index)

feat = np.random.rand(1,512).astype(np.float32)
index1 = faiss.read_index(out_index)
rst = index1.search(feat, 100)

faiss version: faiss-cpu==1.7.2

Jar7 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I rewrite the code, which can be reproduced. Please help~~ @mdouze

Jar7 commented 2 years ago

I found it occurs with IDMap, is there a bug with IDMap?

mdouze commented 2 years ago

I can repro the issue. Will look into it. However, why use IDMap ? It does not make much sense with an IVF index.


nfrumkin commented 7 months ago

I have run into this bug as well:

res = faiss.StandardGpuResources()
flat_config = faiss.GpuIndexFlatConfig()
flat_config.device = 0
d = init.shape[1]
index = faiss.GpuIndexFlatIP(res, d, flat_config)
index = faiss.IndexIDMap(index)
cpu_index = faiss.index_gpu_to_cpu(index)


Faiss assertion 'err == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS' failed in void faiss::gpu::runMatrixMult(faiss::gpu::Tensor<float, 2, true>&, bool, faiss::gpu::Tensor<T, 2, true>&, bool, faiss::gpu::Tensor<IndexType, 2, true>&, bool, float, float, cublasHandle_t, cudaStream_t) [with AT = float; BT = float; cublasHandle_t = cublasContext*; cudaStream_t = CUstream_st*] at /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/faiss-split_1685210641191/work/faiss/gpu/utils/MatrixMult-inl.cuh:254; details: cublas failed (7): (64, 4096) x (5183, 4096)' = (64, 5183) gemm params m 5183 n 64 k 4096 trA T trB N lda 4096 ldb 4096 ldc 5183
Aborted (core dumped)