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Error while calculating flops of transformer model. #129

Closed NeelKanwal closed 1 year ago

NeelKanwal commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to calculate flops using different libraries for CNN and ViT and apart from getting different numbers, I am encountering some unsupported messages like these.

I am using a ViT from timm library which is based on pytorch.

model = timm.create_model('vit_tiny_patch16_224', pretrained=True, num_classes =2) flops = FlopCountAnalysis(model, torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)) flops.total()

Output is : Unsupported operator aten::add encountered 25 time(s) Unsupported operator aten::div encountered 12 time(s) Unsupported operator aten::mul encountered 12 time(s) Unsupported operator aten::softmax encountered 12 time(s) Unsupported operator aten::gelu encountered 12 time(s)

FLOPs 1258219584

from using thops library flops, params = profile(model, inputs=(torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224),), verbose=False)

answer is :

flops 1078442112

ppwwyyxx commented 1 year ago

Output is : Unsupported operator

This is expected. These ops are often negligible and don't have a corresponding flop counter implemented. If you want to count them, you can register a counter for them manually.

from using thops library flops, params = profile(model, inputs=(torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224),), verbose=False) answer is : flops 1078442112

Most likely the thops library is wrong.

NeelKanwal commented 1 year ago


Can you please let me know how to find operations in each of these layers?

Most of other libraries raise error or unsupported message.

ppwwyyxx commented 1 year ago

I may not fully understand your question. As https://github.com/facebookresearch/fvcore/blob/main/docs/flop_count.md#our-work says, flops.by_module_and_operator() shows operation flops in each layer.

NeelKanwal commented 1 year ago

Sorry not making it clear.

I mean, I would like to write a function which can manually add operations for unsupported layers; but I am not able get how can I estimate the number of ops in aten::add, aten::softmax etc.

I think, flops.by_module_and_operator() would also fail for unsupported layers.

ppwwyyxx commented 1 year ago
from fvcore.nn.jit_handles import get_shape

def add_flop_jit(inputs: List[Any], outputs: List[Any]) -> Number:
    return np.prod(get_shape(outputs[0]))
flops = FlopCounter(model, inputs).set_op_handle("aten::add", add_flop_jit)

https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/fvcore.html#fvcore.nn.ActivationCountAnalysis.set_op_handle has the documentation.

NeelKanwal commented 1 year ago


It looks like add_flop_jit will only rely on the output of module/layer. Would it be correct computation if the input dimensions are ignored?

ppwwyyxx commented 1 year ago

Some operation may use input shapes. For the add operation, the above add_flop_jit is correct.

chengyangfu commented 1 year ago

Thanks @ppwwyyxx for the explanation! I am going to close this issue.

gokul-uf commented 1 year ago

Hi @ppwwyyxx

This is expected. These ops are often negligible and don't have a corresponding flop counter implemented. If you want to count them, you can register a counter for them manually.

I am counting FLOP for a ViT L16 and the difference based on fvcore and this script (based off https://dev-discuss.pytorch.org/t/the-ideal-pytorch-flop-counter-with-torch-dispatch/505/1) is very different.

Since transformer layers are widely used, it would help improve the flop counter's adoption if it supported the above ops.