Hello, when I run my code I get the following error
NameError: cell_height is not found on habitat_sim but is found on habitat_lab config.
It's also not in the list of keys to ignore: {'joint_start_noise', 'robot
_type', 'sim_sensors', 'robot_urdf', 'start_position', 'is_set_start_state', 'start_rotation', 'ik_arm_urdf', 'sensors'}
Did you make a typo in the config?
If not the version of Habitat Sim may not be compatible with Habitat Lab version: {'height': 1.41, 'radius': 0.17, 'cell_height': 0.2, 'max_climb': 0.2, 'sim_sensors'
: {'rgb_sensor': {'type': 'HabitatSimRGBSensor', 'height': 640, 'width': 480, 'position': [0.
0, 1.31, 0.0], 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'hfov': 42, 'sensor_subtype': 'PINHOLE', 'noise_model': 'None', 'noise_model_kwargs': {}}, 'depth_sensor': {'type': 'HabitatSimDepthSensor'
, 'height': 640, 'width': 480, 'position': [0.0, 1.31, 0.0], 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
'hfov': 42, 'sensor_subtype': 'PINHOLE', 'noise_model': 'None', 'noise_model_kwargs': {}, 'min_depth': 0.5, 'max_depth': 5.0, 'normalize_depth': True}}, 'is_set_start_state': False, 'sta
rt_position': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'start_rotation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], 'joint_start_noise': 0
.1, 'robot_urdf': 'data/robots/hab_fetch/robots/hab_fetch.urdf', 'robot_type': 'FetchRobot',
'ik_arm_urdf': 'data/robots/hab_fetch/robots/fetch_onlyarm.urdf'}
I'm using habitat-lab at challenge-2023 branch and habitat-sim ==0.2.3 installed via conda. Can you help me figure out the correct versions for habitat and sim?
Hello, when I run my code I get the following error
I'm using habitat-lab at challenge-2023 branch and habitat-sim ==0.2.3 installed via conda. Can you help me figure out the correct versions for habitat and sim? Thanks Gianluca