facebookresearch / habitat-lab

A modular high-level library to train embodied AI agents across a variety of tasks and environments.
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VTK/GLEW Error when use both habitat-lab and Mayavi #547

Closed Skylark0924 closed 2 years ago

Skylark0924 commented 3 years ago

❓ Question

I wrote a script about using RGB & depth images to reconstruct a 3D map and display it using Mayavi. However, I met an extremely weird bug. I found that I can not show the Mayavi 3D image and its screenshot after creating a habitat environment.


To Reproduce

  1. Here is the reconstruction.py script:
    import quaternion
    import numpy as np
    import random

from PIL import Image from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.axes._axes import _log as matplotlib_axes_logger

from Env.habitat_dataset.NavRL_env import NavRLEnv from habitat.config import Config

matplotlib_axes_logger.setLevel('ERROR') np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')

def example_config():

task_config = habitat.get_config(

#     config_paths='/home/skylark/datasets/habitat/configs/tasks/objectnav_mp3d.yaml')
task_config = habitat.get_config(
task_config.DATASET.DATA_PATH = '/home/skylark/datasets/habitat/data/datasets/objectnav/mp3d/v1/val/val.json.gz'
task_config.DATASET.DATA_PATH_DIR = '/home/skylark/datasets/habitat/data/datasets/objectnav/mp3d/v1/val/content'
task_config.DATASET.SCENES_DIR = '/home/skylark/datasets/habitat/data/scene_datasets'
task_config.SIMULATOR.TURN_ANGLE = 30

env_config = {
    'TASK_CONFIG': task_config,
    'RL': {
        'SUCCESS_REWARD': 2.5,
        'SLACK_REWARD': -1e-3,
        'REWARD_MEASURE': "distance_to_goal",
        'SUCCESS_MEASURE': "spl",
        'EPISODE_LENGTH': 300
return env_config

class HabitatEnv: def init(self, config): self.config = Config(config) self.config.freeze() self.scene_path = '/home/skylark/datasets/habitat/data/scene_datasets/mp3d'

    self.eng = NavRLEnv(config=self.config)

def from_depth_to_xyz(depth, cam2world, hfov=90): """[summary]

===>input coordinate (2D)

      width(e.g. 640)
     o--------------> y  (second axis)

height | (e.g.480)↓ x (first axis)

===>output coordinate (3D) (openGL coordinates convention) the robot is facing [-z] direction

x <-------o /| / | ↙ | z | ↓ y

1. must given
    depth ([type]): assuming image rgb input shape: [480, 640]     [height, width, 3]
    cam2world ([type]): [4, 4]

2. intrinsics
    hfov (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 90.

    [type]: returns of shape [3, height*width]. -> can be reshaped [3, height, width]

height, width = depth.shape

## https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-lab/issues/474
## https://doc.magnum.graphics/magnum/classMagnum_1_1Math_1_1Matrix4.html#a6475b3ef155c9142b890c8133504ae9b
K = np.array([
    [1 / np.tan(np.radians(hfov / 2.)), 0., 0., 0.],
    [0., (float(width) / height) * (1.0 / np.tan(np.radians(hfov / 2.))), 0., 0.],
    [0., 0., 1, 0],
    [0., 0., 0, 1]])

## calc width, height

# Now get an approximation for the true world coordinates -- see if they make sense
# [-1, 1] for x and [1, -1] for y as array indexing is y-down while world is y-up
xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, width), np.linspace(1, -1, height))
depth = depth.reshape(1, height, width)
xs = xs.reshape(1, height, width)
ys = ys.reshape(1, height, width)

# Unproject
# negate depth as the camera looks along -Z
xyzs = np.vstack((xs * depth, ys * depth, -depth, np.ones(depth.shape)))
xyzs = xyzs.reshape(4, -1)
xyzs_world = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(K), xyzs)
xyzs_world = cam2world.dot(xyzs_world)  # (4, height * width)
xyz_world_coord = xyzs_world[0:3].reshape(3, height, width)  # (3, height, width)
return xyz_world_coord

########### =================== test ======================= ################# import cv2 from mayavi import mlab

class Recontruction_test(): def init(self):

other related

    self.xyz_points = np.empty([3, 0], dtype=np.float)
    self.xyz_colors = np.empty([3, 0], dtype=np.uint8)

def plot_3d(self, rgb, depth, index, cam2world=None, pos_rot=None, ax=None):
    # if ax is None:
    # ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0), colspan=1)
    # 删除噪点 TODO
    depth[depth < 0.15] = 0
    depth[depth >= 4.8] = 0
    if pos_rot is not None:  # (x, z, -y)
        robot_pos, robot_rot = pos_rot
    if cam2world is None:
        cam2world = from_pos_rot_to_camera_extrinsic(robot_pos, robot_rot)
    # 根据内外参以及当前一帧的 depth image 生成当前帧 depth_scan 对应的坐标
    xyzs_world = from_depth_to_xyz(depth, cam2world).reshape(3, -1)

    # 历史坐标汇总在一起 (3, xxx)
    self.xyz_points = np.concatenate([self.xyz_points, xyzs_world], axis=1)
    # 历史坐标对应的 rgb 值 (3, xxx)
    self.xyz_colors = np.concatenate([self.xyz_colors, rgb.transpose((2, 0, 1)).reshape(3, -1)], axis=1)
    # 绘制二维散点Voronoi图
    # self.plot_2d(rgb, depth, index, cam2world=cam2world)
    rgba = np.concatenate([self.xyz_colors.transpose((1, 0)), 255 * np.ones([self.xyz_colors.shape[1], 1])],
    x, y, z = self.xyz_points
    # ax1 = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d')  # 创建一个三维的绘图工程
    # #  将数据点分成三部分画,在颜色上有区分度
    # ax1.scatter(x, y, z, c='lightblue')  # 绘制数据点
    # ax1.set_zlabel('Z')  # 坐标轴
    # ax1.set_ylabel('Y')
    # ax1.set_xlabel('X')
    # plt.show()
    pts = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(x, y, z)
    pts.add_attribute(rgba, 'colors')  # assign the colors to each point
    g = mlab.pipeline.glyph(pts)
    # g.glyph.glyph.scale_factor = 0.05 # set scaling for all the points
    g.glyph.glyph.scale_factor = 0.1  # set scaling for all the points
    g.glyph.scale_mode = 'data_scaling_off'  # make all the points same size

    # s = np.ones_like(x) * 0.5
    # import pylab
    # mlab.points3d(x, y, z, s, colormap="copper", scale_factor=.25)
    f = mlab.gcf()
    arr = mlab.screenshot(figure=g, mode='rgb', antialiased=True)
    img_RGB = Image.fromarray(arr).convert('RGB')
    import pylab as pl
    # ax.imshow(img_RGB)
    # ax.axis('off')
    # ax.set_title('Reconstruction')
    # plt.pause(1)
    # ax.clear()
    # mlab.show()
    return img_RGB

if name == "main":

For test the display of reconstruction and its screenshot

import pickle
from skimage.transform import resize

env_config = example_config()
env = HabitatEnv(env_config)

recontruction = Recontruction_test()

camera2world0 = np.eye(4)
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 8])
ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0), colspan=1)

for i in range(21, 33):
    rgb = pickle.load(open("/home/skylark/PycharmRemote/ReGReT/Utils/new_data/rgb{}.pkl".format(i), 'rb'))
    depth = pickle.load(open("/home/skylark/PycharmRemote/ReGReT/Utils/new_data/depth{}.pkl".format(i), 'rb'))

    rgb = resize(rgb, (240, 320, 3))
    rgb = np.asarray(rgb) * 255
    depth = resize(depth, (240, 320))

    angle = i * 2 * np.pi / 12.
    camera2world = rotate_m(angle).dot(camera2world0)
    # recontruction.plot_2d(rgb, depth, i, cam2world=camera2world, pos_rot=[[0, -0.08, 0], None], visible_flag=True,
    #                       ax=ax)
    # plt.show()
    img_RGB = recontruction.plot_3d(rgb, depth, i, cam2world=camera2world, pos_rot=[[0, -0.08, 0], None], ax=ax)

2. Here is the `NavRL_env.py`:

from typing import Optional, Type

import habitat from habitat import Config, Dataset from habitat_baselines.common.baseline_registry import baseline_registry

for top-down map vis

from habitat.utils.visualizations import maps

def get_env_class(env_name: str) -> Type[habitat.RLEnv]: r"""Return environment class based on name.

    env_name: name of the environment.

    Type[habitat.RLEnv]: env class.
return baseline_registry.get_env(env_name)

@baseline_registry.register_env(name="NavRLEnv") class NavRLEnv(habitat.RLEnv): def init(self, config: Config, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None): self._rl_config = config.RL self._core_env_config = config.TASK_CONFIG self._reward_measure_name = self._rl_config.REWARD_MEASURE self._success_measure_name = self._rl_config.SUCCESS_MEASURE

    self._previous_measure = None
    self._previous_action = None
    super().__init__(self._core_env_config, dataset)

def reset(self):
    self._previous_action = None
    observations = super().reset()
    self._previous_measure = self._env.get_metrics()[
    return observations

def step(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self._previous_action = kwargs
    return super().step(*args, **kwargs)

def get_reward_range(self):
    return (
        self._rl_config.SLACK_REWARD - 1.0,
        self._rl_config.SUCCESS_REWARD + 1.0,

def get_reward(self, observations) -> object:
    reward = self._rl_config.SLACK_REWARD

    current_measure = self._env.get_metrics()[self._reward_measure_name]

    reward += self._previous_measure - current_measure
    self._previous_measure = current_measure

    if self._episode_success():
        reward += self._rl_config.SUCCESS_REWARD

    return reward

def _episode_success(self):
    return self._env.get_metrics()[self._success_measure_name]

def get_done(self, observations):
    done = False
    if self._env.episode_over or self._episode_success():
        done = True
    return done

def get_info(self, observations):
    return self.habitat_env.get_metrics()

# for map vis
def get_topdown_map(self, square_map_resolution=5000):
    top_down_map = maps.get_topdown_map(
    ## 0: unoccupied
    ## 1: occupied
    ## 2: border
    return top_down_map

3. Just run the `reconstruction.py`, the rgb&depth images mentioned for the test in the main function can be downloaded from [here](https://github.com/Skylark0924/Skylark0924.github.io/blob/master/dataset/new_data.zip).

<!-- If you have a code sample, error messages, stack traces, please provide it here as well -->
**Error Log**

2020-12-19 17:12:03.419 ( 35.411s) [ 5EBF740]vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.c:569 ERR| vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x555c3b2b3140): GLEW could not be initialized: Unknown error 2020-12-19 17:12:03.419 ( 35.412s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:12:03.419 ( 35.412s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:12:04.330 ( 36.323s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:12:07.734 ( 39.727s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:12:12.712 ( 44.705s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:12:19.359 ( 51.352s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:12:27.739 ( 59.732s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:12:37.325 ( 69.317s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:12:48.577 ( 80.569s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:13:01.507 ( 93.499s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:13:16.279 ( 108.271s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:13:32.934 ( 124.926s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:13:51.069 ( 143.062s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. 2020-12-19 17:14:11.383 ( 163.376s) [ 5EBF740] vtkOpenGLState.cxx:1380 WARN| Hardware does not support the number of textures defined. I1219 17:14:13.038286 19251 PhysicsManager.cpp:33] Deconstructing PhysicsManager I1219 17:14:13.038314 19251 SemanticScene.h:41] Deconstructing SemanticScene I1219 17:14:13.041451 19251 SceneManager.h:25] Deconstructing SceneManager I1219 17:14:13.041463 19251 SceneGraph.h:26] Deconstructing SceneGraph I1219 17:14:13.042546 19251 Sensor.h:81] Deconstructing Sensor I1219 17:14:13.042873 19251 Sensor.h:81] Deconstructing Sensor I1219 17:14:13.043201 19251 Sensor.h:81] Deconstructing Sensor I1219 17:14:13.043211 19251 SceneGraph.h:26] Deconstructing SceneGraph I1219 17:14:13.055938 19251 Renderer.cpp:34] Deconstructing Renderer I1219 17:14:13.055974 19251 WindowlessContext.h:17] Deconstructing WindowlessContext I1219 17:14:14.646723 19251 Simulator.cpp:46] Deconstructing Simulator

Process finished with exit code 0

Here is the wrong display:


## Expected behavior
<!-- A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. -->
If I delete this line in the main function in `reconstruction.py`:

env = HabitatEnv(env_config)

Then I can get the mayavi image and its screenshot correctly


**Thanks a lot for your help!!!!! I'm getting desperate!**
erikwijmans commented 3 years ago

We'd need to add something to habitat to allow it to piggy back off Mayavi's context to keep both in the same process (assuming mayavi is written correctly, of course). You can work around this by using habitat.VectorEnv (https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-lab/blob/master/habitat/core/vector_env.py#L78) with 1 env as that'll run the habitat instance in a separate process

Skylark0924 commented 3 years ago

We'd need to add something to habitat to allow it to piggy back off Mayavi's context to keep both in the same process (assuming mayavi is written correctly, of course). You can work around this by using habitat.VectorEnv (https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-lab/blob/master/habitat/core/vector_env.py#L78) with 1 env as that'll run the habitat instance in a separate process

Awesome!! That's what I need! Here is my solution.

  1. I use construct_envs function in env_utils.py
  2. Change the HabitatEnv class as :

    class HabitatEnv:
        def __init__(self, config):
            self.config = Config(config)
            self.scene_path = '/home/skylark/datasets/habitat/data/scene_datasets/mp3d'
            # self.eng = NavRLEnv(config=self.config)
            self.eng = construct_envs(config=self.config, env_class=NavRLEnv)
  3. Add some config
        env_config = {
            'TASK_CONFIG': task_config,
            'RL': {
                'SUCCESS_REWARD': 2.5,
                'SLACK_REWARD': -1e-3,
                'REWARD_MEASURE': "distance_to_goal",
                'SUCCESS_MEASURE': "spl",
                'EPISODE_LENGTH': 300
            'NUM_PROCESSES': 1,
            'SIMULATOR_GPU_ID': 0
  4. Then I got the right mayavi images and created HabitatEnv at the same time!!
Skylark0924 commented 3 years ago

While it seems a little slow.

Skylark0924 commented 3 years ago

I got another problem.

How can I get the property of my Env class if it is packed in a VertorEnv thread?

For example, I used to get the episode number by calling env.episodes. But now it is unallowed in a VectorEnv. I just find a method called call_at, but it's just for the function.

mathfac commented 3 years ago

Hi @Skylark0924, Try new call_at function developed by @erikwijmans. Let us know if the issue was resolved.

Skylark0924 commented 3 years ago

Sorry for replying late, I finally use the plot3d function instead of mayavi. The solution you provided looks valuable for getting the property of one of the Env class in a VectorEnv thread. Thanks a lot and let's close this issue!