facebookresearch / habitat-sim

A flexible, high-performance 3D simulator for Embodied AI research.
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How to Render Replica Dataset Scenes with habitat-viewer? #2335

Open Liu-Jinxin opened 4 months ago

Liu-Jinxin commented 4 months ago

Issue: Problems Rendering Replica Dataset Scenes with habitat-viewer


I am trying to use Habitat Sim to visualize scenes from the Replica dataset but encountering rendering issues. Specifically, the visuals appear incorrect when executing the command for the Replica dataset, while rendering works as expected for the ReplicaCAD dataset.

Commands and Results

Replica Dataset Issue Command:

  habitat-viewer --enable-physics --dataset data/Replica-Dataset/data/replica.scene_dataset_config.json --room_1


python examples/viewer.py --dataset data/Replica-Dataset/data/replica.scene_dataset_config.json --scene room_0

The scene does not render as expected.

Screenshot from 2024-03-12 20-29-25 The output

Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090/PCIe/SSE2 by NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 525.147.05
Using optional features:
Using driver workarounds:
PluginManager::Manager: duplicate static plugin StbImageImporter, ignoring
PluginManager::Manager: duplicate static plugin GltfImporter, ignoring
PluginManager::Manager: duplicate static plugin BasisImporter, ignoring
PluginManager::Manager: duplicate static plugin AssimpImporter, ignoring
PluginManager::Manager: duplicate static plugin AnySceneImporter, ignoring
PluginManager::Manager: duplicate static plugin AnyImageImporter, ignoring
Welcome to the Habitat-sim Python Viewer application!
Mouse Functions ('m' to toggle mode):
In LOOK mode (default):
        Click and drag to rotate the agent and look up/down.
        Modify orthographic camera zoom/perspective camera FOV (+SHIFT for fine grained control)

In GRAB mode (with 'enable-physics'):
        Click and drag to pickup and move an object with a point-to-point constraint (e.g. ball joint).
        Click and drag to pickup and move an object with a fixed frame constraint.
    WHEEL (with picked object):
        default - Pull gripped object closer or push it away.
        (+ALT) rotate object fixed constraint frame (yaw)
        (+CTRL) rotate object fixed constraint frame (pitch)
        (+ALT+CTRL) rotate object fixed constraint frame (roll)
        (+SHIFT) amplify scroll magnitude

Key Commands:
    esc:        Exit the application.
    'h':        Display this help message.
    'm':        Cycle mouse interaction modes.

    Agent Controls:
    'wasd':     Move the agent's body forward/backward and left/right.
    'zx':       Move the agent's body up/down.
    arrow keys: Turn the agent's body left/right and camera look up/down.

    'r':        Reset the simulator with the most recently loaded scene.
    'n':        Show/hide NavMesh wireframe.
                (+SHIFT) Recompute NavMesh with default settings.
                (+ALT) Re-sample the agent(camera)'s position and orientation from the NavMesh.
    ',':        Render a Bullet collision shape debug wireframe overlay (white=active, green=sleeping, blue=wants sleeping, red=can't sleep).
    'c':        Run a discrete collision detection pass and render a debug wireframe overlay showing active contact points and normals (yellow=fixed length normals, red=collision distances).
                (+SHIFT) Toggle the contact point debug render overlay on/off.
    'j'         Toggle Semantic visualization bounds (currently only Semantic Region annotations)

    Object Interactions:
    SPACE:      Toggle physics simulation on/off.
    '.':        Take a single simulation step if not simulating continuously.
    'v':        (physics) Invert gravity.
    't':        Load URDF from filepath
                (+SHIFT) quick re-load the previously specified URDF
                (+ALT) load the URDF with fixed base

replica.scene_dataset_config.json is as follows:

  "stages": {
    "paths": {
      ".json": [
    "default_attributes": {
      "shader_type": "flat",
      "up": [
      "front": [
      "origin": [
  "objects": {},
  "light_setups": {},
  "scene_instances": {
    "default_attributes": {
      "default_lighting": "no_lights"

For the ReplicaCAD dataset, I used:

 habitat-viewer --enable-physics --dataset data/replica_cad/replicaCAD.scene_dataset_config.json -- apt_1

This renders the scene correctly.

Screenshot from 2024-03-12 20-43-59

aclegg3 commented 4 months ago

We have removed support for ptex shader which was handling Replica scenes specifically. I imagine this is related to that deprecation. I'm a bit surprised to see they are loading with what looks like base metallic color and no texture, though. @jturner65 any thoughts on this?

Liu-Jinxin commented 4 months ago

We have removed support for ptex shader which was handling Replica scenes specifically. I imagine this is related to that deprecation. I'm a bit surprised to see they are loading with what looks like base metallic color and no texture, though. @jturner65 any thoughts on this?

Thank you for the insight on the deprecation of ptex shader support, given this context, could you please inform me about the last version or branch of Habitat Sim that fully supported normal rendering for the Replica dataset with the ptex shaders? I'm looking to work with the Replica dataset.

Thank you for your assistance.

emilia-szymanska commented 1 month ago

@Liu-Jinxin Hi! Did you perhaps manage to figure this out?

Liu-Jinxin commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the insight on the deprecation of ptex shader support, given this context, could you please inform me about the last version or branch of Habitat Sim that fully supported normal rendering for the Replica dataset with the ptex shaders? I'm looking to work with the Replica dataset.

No, I changed the version.

emilia-szymanska commented 1 month ago

@Liu-Jinxin Could you share exactly what you did? Which version are you using? And did you manage to have high-quality frames with the viewer?

Liu-Jinxin commented 1 month ago

@Liu-Jinxin Could you share exactly what you did? Which version are you using? And did you manage to have high-quality frames with the viewer?

@emilia-szymanska Thank you for your patience and attention. If I remember correctly, I used version 0.2.2 back then. However, since I was trying different versions at the time, this information might not be entirely accurate. I haven't been using Habitat Sim recently. I hope this information helps,