facebookresearch / habitat-sim

A flexible, high-performance 3D simulator for Embodied AI research.
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Gibson dataset glb files #2428

Open tayyabkhalil-313 opened 1 month ago

tayyabkhalil-313 commented 1 month ago

Habitat-Sim version


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I have downloaded the gibson tiny dataset from here as gibson_tiny.tar.gz which contained some obj files and others for each scene but no glb files. I then downloaded the 3DSceneGraph and then converted it via tools/gen_gibson_semantics.sh /path/to/3DSceneGraph_medium/automated_graph /path/to/GibsonDataset /path/to/output which produced some scns and ids. But I need the glb files for the scenes to run the demo notebook and I don't understand how or where to obtain those. Any directions on how to get those glb files?

aclegg3 commented 1 month ago

You can find some detail on using Gibson here: https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-sim/blob/main/DATASETS.md#gibson-and-3dscenegraph-datasets

They should provide some habitat-ready files. From the download page:

C. To use with Habitat-sim/challenge (ICCV 2019)

Gibson Dataset for Habitat (11GB): gibson_habitat_trainval.zip gibson_habitat.zip

In general, Habitat can support .obj files, but typically .glb are better. Habitat-ready datasets are typically also compressed to allow faster import and simulation.

tayyabkhalil-313 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for responding. The demo notebook is using the gibson_tiny split. Will the gibson_habitat.zip you mentioned also have the same scene files?

aclegg3 commented 1 month ago

I believe the habitat version should contain all the original gibson splits. If that doesn't end up being the case please let me know here.

tayyabkhalil-313 commented 1 month ago

Yes, downloading the habitat version indeed solved the issue. The scene is successfully loaded but when I try to get the objects from semantic scene scene_objects = sim.semantic_scene.objects it returns none. The full code is here.