Closed Fight-hawk closed 5 years ago
Hey Fight-hawk,
Sorry to hear that! Deadlocks usually happen when one GPU is waiting for the others, typically when torch.distributed.broadcast()
function has not been called for every GPU.
Please share relevant parts of your code in the answer if this does not work!
`def main():
global args
args = parser.parse_args()
args.block = '' if args.block == 'all' else args.block
# 分布式训练初始化
# 配置每个进程的gpu
device = torch.device('cuda', args.local_rank)
# student model to quantize
student = models.__dict__[args.model](pretrained=True)
student =
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda(device=device)
# print("Process: {:d} criterion's device: {}".format(os.getpid(), criterion))
cudnn.benchmark = True
# layers to quantize (we do not quantize the first 7x7 convolution layer)
watcher = ActivationWatcher(student)
layers = [layer for layer in watcher.layers[1:] if args.block in layer]
# data loading code
# train_loader, test_loader = load_data(data_path=args.data_path, batch_size=args.batch_size, nb_workers=args.n_workers)
normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
transf_train = transforms.Compose([
transf_test = transforms.Compose([
trainset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='../data', train=True,
download=True, transform=transf_train)
train_loader =, batch_size=args.batch_size,
num_workers=0, sampler=DistributedSampler(trainset))
testset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='../data', train=False,
download=True, transform=transf_test)
test_loader =, batch_size=args.batch_size,
num_workers=0, sampler=DistributedSampler(testset))
# parameters for the centroids optimizer
opt_centroids_params_all = []
# book-keeping for compression statistics (in MB)
size_uncompressed = compute_size(student)
size_index = 0
size_centroids = 0
size_other = size_uncompressed
# teacher model
teacher = models.__dict__[args.model](pretrained=True)
teacher = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(teacher,
# Step 1: iteratively quantize the network layers (quantization + layer-wise centroids distillation)
print('Process: {:d} Step 1: Quantize network'.format(os.getpid()))
t = time.time()
top_1 = 0
for layer in layers:
# gather input activations
n_iter_activations = math.ceil(args.n_activations / args.batch_size)
watcher = ActivationWatcher(student, layer=layer)
in_activations_current =, criterion, n_iter_activations)
in_activations_current = in_activations_current[layer]
# get weight matrix and detach it from the computation graph (.data should be enough, adding .detach() as a safeguard)
M = attrgetter(layer + '')(student).detach()
sizes = M.size()
is_conv = len(sizes) == 4
# get padding and stride attributes
padding = attrgetter(layer)(student).padding if is_conv else 0
stride = attrgetter(layer)(student).stride if is_conv else 1
groups = attrgetter(layer)(student).groups if is_conv else 1
# block size, distinguish between fully connected and convolutional case
if is_conv:
out_features, in_features, k, _ = sizes
block_size = args.block_size_cv if k > 1 else args.block_size_pw
n_centroids = args.n_centroids_cv if k > 1 else args.n_centroids_pw
n_blocks = in_features * k * k // block_size
k = 1
out_features, in_features = sizes
block_size = args.block_size_fc
n_centroids = args.n_centroids_fc
n_blocks = in_features // block_size
# clamp number of centroids for stability
powers = 2 ** np.arange(0, 16, 1)
n_vectors = / block_size
idx_power = bisect_left(powers, n_vectors / args.n_centroids_threshold)
n_centroids = min(n_centroids, powers[idx_power - 1])
# compression rations
bits_per_weight = np.log2(n_centroids) / block_size
# number of bits per weight
size_index_layer = bits_per_weight * M.numel() / 8 / 1024 / 1024
size_index += size_index_layer
# centroids stored in float16
size_centroids_layer = n_centroids * block_size * 2 / 1024 / 1024
size_centroids += size_centroids_layer
# size of non-compressed layers, e.g. BatchNorms or first 7x7 convolution
size_uncompressed_layer = M.numel() * 4 / 1024 / 1024
size_other -= size_uncompressed_layer
# number of samples
n_samples = dynamic_sampling(layer)
# print layer size
print('Process: {:d} Quantizing layer: {}, size: {}, n_blocks: {}, block size: {}, ' \
'centroids: {}, bits/weight: {:.2f}, compressed size: {:.2f} MB'.format(os.getpid(),
layer, list(sizes), n_blocks, block_size, n_centroids,
bits_per_weight, size_index_layer + size_centroids_layer))
# quantizer
quantizer = PQ(in_activations_current, M, n_activations=args.n_activations,
n_samples=n_samples, eps=args.eps, n_centroids=n_centroids,
n_iter=args.n_iter, n_blocks=n_blocks, k=k,
stride=stride, padding=padding, groups=groups, device=device)
assignments = torch.zeros(out_features).to(device)
if args.local_rank == 0:
if len(args.restart) > 0:
# do not quantize already quantized layers
# load centroids and assignments if already stored
quantizer.load(args.restart, layer)
centroids = quantizer.centroids
assignments = quantizer.assignments
# quantize weight matrix
M_hat = weight_from_centroids(centroids, assignments, n_blocks, k, is_conv)
attrgetter(layer + '.weight')(student).data = M_hat, layer)
# optimizer for global finetuning
parameters = [p for (n, p) in student.named_parameters() if layer in n and 'bias' not in n]
centroids_params = {'params': parameters,
'assignments': assignments,
'kernel_size': k,
'n_centroids': n_centroids,
'n_blocks': n_blocks}
# proceed to next layer
print('Process: {:d} Layer already quantized, proceeding to next layer\n'.format(os.getpid()))
# otherwise, quantize layer
except FileNotFoundError:
print('Process: {:d} Quantizing layer'.format(os.getpid()))
# quantize layer
# assign quantized weight matrix
M_hat = quantizer.decode()
attrgetter(layer + '.weight')(student).data = M_hat
# top1
top_1 = evaluate(test_loader, student, criterion).item()
# book-keeping
print('Process: {:d} Quantizing time: {:.0f}min, Top1 after quantization: {:.2f}\n'.format(os.getpid(), (time.time() - t) / 60, top_1))
assignments = quantizer.assignments
torch.distributed.broadcast(attrgetter(layer + '.weight')(student).data.contiguous(), 0)
torch.distributed.broadcast(assignments.contiguous(), 0)
t = time.time()
# Step 2: finetune centroids
print('Process: {:d} Finetuning centroids'.format(os.getpid()))
# optimizer for centroids
parameters = [p for (n, p) in student.named_parameters() if layer in n and 'bias' not in n]
print('Process: {:d} line: {:d}'.format(os.getpid(), 296))
centroids_params = {'params': parameters,
'assignments': assignments,
'kernel_size': k,
'n_centroids': n_centroids,
'n_blocks': n_blocks}
# remember centroids parameters to finetuning at the end
opt_centroids_params = [centroids_params]
print('Process: {:d} line: {:d}'.format(os.getpid(), 306))
# custom optimizer
optimizer_centroids = CentroidSGD(opt_centroids_params, lr=args.lr_centroids,
# standard training loop
n_iter = args.finetune_centroids
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer_centroids, step_size=1, gamma=0.1)
print('Process: {:d} line: {:d}'.format(os.getpid(), 315))
for epoch in range(1):
print('Process: {:d} line: {:d}'.format(os.getpid(), 317))
finetune_centroids(train_loader, student, teacher, criterion, optimizer_centroids, n_iter=n_iter)
print('Process: {:d} line: {:d}'.format(os.getpid(), 319))
top_1 = evaluate(test_loader, student, criterion)
print('Process: {:d} Epoch: {}, Top1: {:.2f}'.format(os.getpid(), epoch, top_1))
print('Process: {:d} After {} iterations with learning rate {}, Top1: {:.2f}'.format(os.getpid(), n_iter, args.lr_centroids, top_1))
# book-keeping
print('Process: {:d} Finetuning centroids time: {:.0f}min, Top1 after finetuning centroids: {:.2f}\n'.format(os.getpid(), (time.time() - t) / 60, top_1))
t = time.time()
# saving
M_hat = attrgetter(layer + '.weight')(student).data
centroids = centroids_from_weights(M_hat, assignments, n_centroids, n_blocks)
quantizer.centroids = centroids, layer)
# End of compression + finetuning of centroids
size_compressed = size_index + size_centroids + size_other
print('Process: {:d} End of compression, non-compressed teacher model: {:.2f}MB, compressed student model ' \
'(indexing + centroids + other): {:.2f}MB + {:.2f}MB + {:.2f}MB = {:.2f}MB, compression ratio: {:.2f}x\n'.format(
os.getpid(), size_uncompressed, size_index, size_centroids, size_other, size_compressed, size_uncompressed / size_compressed))
# Step 3: finetune whole network
print('Process: {:d} Step 3: Finetune whole network'.format(os.getpid()))
t = time.time()
# custom optimizer
optimizer_centroids_all = CentroidSGD(opt_centroids_params_all, lr=args.lr_whole,
# standard training loop
n_iter = args.finetune_whole
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer_centroids_all, step_size=args.finetune_whole_step_size, gamma=0.1)
for epoch in range(args.finetune_whole_epochs):
finetune_centroids(train_loader, student, teacher, criterion, optimizer_centroids_all, n_iter=n_iter)
top_1 = evaluate(test_loader, student, criterion)
print('Process: {:d} Epoch: {}, Top1: {:.2f}'.format(os.getpid(), epoch, top_1))
# state dict pf compressed model
state_dict_compressed = {}
# save conv1 (not quantized)
state_dict_compressed['conv1'] = student.conv1.state_dict()
# save biases of the classifier
state_dict_compressed['fc_bias'] = {'bias': student.fc.bias}
# save batch norms
bn_layers = watcher._get_bn_layers()
for bn_layer in bn_layers:
state_dict_compressed[bn_layer] = attrgetter(bn_layer)(student).state_dict()
# save quantized layers
for layer in layers:
# stats
M = attrgetter(layer + '')(student).detach()
sizes = M.size()
is_conv = len(sizes) == 4
# get padding and stride attributes
padding = attrgetter(layer)(student).padding if is_conv else 0
stride = attrgetter(layer)(student).stride if is_conv else 1
groups = attrgetter(layer)(student).groups if is_conv else 1
# block size, distinguish between fully connected and convolutional case
if is_conv:
out_features, in_features, k, _ = sizes
block_size = args.block_size_cv if k > 1 else args.block_size_pw
n_centroids = args.n_centroids_cv
n_blocks = in_features * k * k // block_size
k = 1
out_features, in_features = sizes
block_size = args.block_size_fc
n_centroids = args.n_centroids_fc
n_blocks = in_features // block_size
# clamp number of centroids for stability
powers = 2 ** np.arange(0, 16, 1)
n_vectors = / block_size
idx_power = bisect_left(powers, n_vectors / args.n_centroids_threshold)
n_centroids = min(n_centroids, powers[idx_power - 1])
# save
quantizer.load(, layer)
assignments = quantizer.assignments
M_hat = attrgetter(layer + '.weight')(student).data
centroids = centroids_from_weights(M_hat, assignments, n_centroids, n_blocks)
quantizer.centroids = centroids, layer)
state_dict_layer = {
'centroids': centroids.half(),
'assignments': assignments.short() if 'fc' in layer else assignments.byte(),
'n_blocks': n_blocks,
'is_conv': is_conv,
'k': k
state_dict_compressed[layer] = state_dict_layer
# save model, os.path.join(, 'state_dict_compressed.pth'))
# book-keeping
print('Process: {:d} Finetuning whole network time: {:.0f}min, Top1 after finetuning centroids: {:.2f}\n'.format(os.getpid(), (time.time() - t) / 60, top_1))`
thank you for your reply, this is the main function
i found that each process hang in
input = target =
in function finetune_centroids in
Hi again,
I think the line torch.distributed.broadcast(assignments.contiguous(), 0)
is causing the deadlock. Indeed, you can only broadcast a variable that exists in all the GPUs. What you can do is
assignments = torch.zeros(...)
in all the processes Could you try this?
thank you very much, i will try. but i can reach the code after that line
Oh sorry I didn't see that you already did this. OOMs errors are also hard to catch in distributed mode, did you try reducing the batch size?
Please re-open the issue is you are still in trouble.
Hi, i would like to ask you some details about multi-gpu training, i just follow your reply. But i got dead lock . I can not find the reason.