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Batch size / original script for OPT-175B training #223

Closed indhub closed 2 years ago

indhub commented 2 years ago

❓ Questions and Help

Hi, The training script uses a batch size of 0.25M for training 175B model whereas the paper says batch size of 2M was used. Is it possible the 175B experiment used something other than opt_baselines script to launch the training? May I know how the 175B training was launched and which option flags from opt_baselines were used?


suchenzang commented 2 years ago

Yes, we didn't include the original script for 175B to simplify the codebase (baselines script was generated afterwards). In any case, here is the script we used to train 175B with (not able to include git history here, unfortunately):

#!/usr/bin/env python
This is a reference document for the run12.00 setup.

from metaseq_internal.fb_sweep.dependency_checks import *  # noqa
from metaseq_internal.fb_sweep.sweep import hyperparam, main as fb_sweep_main

    # standard corpora
    # dialogue datasets. NOT included in "everything"
    "dialogue_chitchat",  # BST + Convai2 + Empathetic Dialogues
    "dialogue_knowledge",  # wiz of wiki, wiz of int
    "dialogue_tod",  # metalwoz, taskmaster2, google_sgd, multiwoz
    "dialogue_light",  # light_dialog_wild
    # "dialogue_safety",  # recovering from safety failures

def add_extra_options_func(parser):
    # NOTE we shouldn't add new options here... track changes via git instead
        "--restore-file", help="load an existing checkpoint for continuing training"
        help="reset the dataloader to epoch 1",

def get_grid(args):
    # Infer data path if not given
    if args.data is None:
        # Rotated data used for 11.7+ experiments
        # args.data = "<redacted>"
        # Returning back to original dataset for 12.00 onward.
        args.data = "<redacted>"

    args.snapshot_code = True
    grid = [
        hyperparam("--train-subset", "train"),
        hyperparam("--valid-subset", ",".join(f"valid/{ss}" for ss in VALID_SUBSETS)),
        hyperparam("--num-workers", 8),
        hyperparam("--num-workers-valid", 1),
        # kill training if it doesn't make progress in X seconds
        # hyperparam("--heartbeat-timeout", 3600),
        hyperparam("--validate-interval-updates", 1000),
        hyperparam("--save-interval-updates", 250),
        ),  # only save checkpoints based on num steps
        hyperparam("--no-best-checkpoints"),  # don't save checkpoint_best.pt
        hyperparam("--memory-efficient-fp16", save_dir_key=lambda val: "me_fp16"),
        hyperparam("--fp16-init-scale", 4),
            "--threshold-loss-scale", 0.25, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"minscale{val}"
        hyperparam("--ddp-backend", "fully_sharded", save_dir_key=lambda val: "fsdp"),
            "--gradient-predivide-factor", 32.0, save_dir_key=lambda x: f"gpf{x}"
        hyperparam("--model-parallel-size", 8),
        hyperparam("--criterion", "vocab_parallel_cross_entropy"),
        # NOTE: we didn't start training with this, we are adding it now for restarts with restore file cause the
        # initialization doesn't matter and it will be much faster.
        # TODO: Add this back when we do restores. Commenting out for cold start on exp 12.00.
        # Adding back in for restart for exp 12.03.
        # Flags to match exact same initialization of Megatron code for exp 12.00
        hyperparam("--megatron-init-sigma", 0.006),
        hyperparam("--activation-fn", "relu", save_dir_key=lambda x: x),
        hyperparam("--arch", "transformer_lm_megatron", save_dir_key=lambda val: val),
        hyperparam("--decoder-layers", 96, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"nlay{val}"),
        hyperparam("--decoder-embed-dim", 12288, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"emb{val}"),
        hyperparam("--decoder-ffn-embed-dim", 4 * 12288),
        hyperparam("--decoder-attention-heads", 96),
        # hyperparam("--decoder-learned-sinusoidal", save_dir_key=lambda _: "lrnsin"),
        # Switch to learned position embeddings for exp 12.00, without scaling
        hyperparam("--decoder-learned-pos", save_dir_key=lambda _: "lrnpos"),
        hyperparam("--no-scale-embedding", save_dir_key=lambda _: "0emb_scale"),
        # Remove normformer for exp 12.00 (was there in 11.xx experiments)
        # hyperparam("--scale-fc", save_dir_key=lambda _: "nffc"),
        # hyperparam("--scale-attn", save_dir_key=lambda _: "nfatt"),
        # hyperparam("--scale-heads", save_dir_key=lambda _: "nfhd"),
        hyperparam("--task", "streaming_language_modeling"),
        hyperparam("--sample-break-mode", "none", save_dir_key=lambda val: f"bm_{val}"),
        hyperparam("--tokens-per-sample", 2048, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"tps{val}"),
            save_dir_key=lambda _: "gpt2",
        hyperparam("--merges-filename", "<redacted>/gpt2-merges.txt"),
        hyperparam("--optimizer", "adam", save_dir_key=lambda val: val),
        # GPT-3 uses "(0.9, 0.95)"
            f"(0.9, 0.95)",
            save_dir_key=lambda val: "b2_{}".format(eval(val)[1]),
        # Sometimes lowering --adam-eps to 1e-6 can stabilize training
        hyperparam("--adam-eps", 1e-8, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"eps{val}"),
        # GPT-3 used --clip-norm=1.0
        hyperparam("--clip-norm", 0.3, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"cl{val}"),
        # Skip gradient updates when hitting clip norm threshold.
        # This flag will reject most updates at start of training so hard threshold are bad at start of training.
        # Since we are adding in between the run 11.6, it should be hopefully okay.
        # Removed in 11.9.
        # hyperparam("--skip-gradient-update-on-clip-norm"),
        hyperparam("--clip-norm-type", "l2"),
        hyperparam("--lr-scheduler", "polynomial_decay"),
        hyperparam("--lr", 3e-5, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"lr{val:.3g}"),
            "--end-learning-rate", 6.0e-6, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"endlr{val}"
        hyperparam("--warmup-updates", 2000, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"wu{val}"),
        # updates = 300B tokens / 2048 seq_len / 1024 bsz
        hyperparam("--total-num-update", 143052),
        hyperparam("--dropout", 0.1, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"dr{val}"),
        hyperparam("--attention-dropout", 0.1, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"atdr{val}"),
        hyperparam("--no-emb-dropout", save_dir_key=lambda _: "0emb_dr"),
        hyperparam("--weight-decay", 0.1, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"wd{val}"),
        hyperparam("--batch-size", 8, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"ms{val}"),
        hyperparam("--update-freq", 1, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"uf{val}"),
        hyperparam("--max-update", 143052, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"mu{val}"),
        hyperparam("--seed", 1, save_dir_key=lambda val: f"s{val}"),
        hyperparam("--log-format", "json"),
        hyperparam("--log-interval", 1),
        hyperparam("--required-batch-size-multiple", 1),
    if args.restore_file:
        grid += [hyperparam("--restore-file", args.restore_file)]
    if args.reset_dataloader:
        grid += [hyperparam("--reset-dataloader")]

    return grid

def postprocess_hyperparams(args, config):

if __name__ == "__main__":
        get_grid, postprocess_hyperparams, add_extra_options_func=add_extra_options_func
mansimane commented 2 years ago

@suchenzang Could you please also share configs file used for 175B training?

stephenroller commented 2 years ago

@mansimane all that info is in the grid Susan posted, or otherwise defaults.