facebookresearch / open_lth

A repository in preparation for open-sourcing lottery ticket hypothesis code.
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TypeError from Anaconda python 3.7? #22

Open theresetbutton opened 11 months ago

theresetbutton commented 11 months ago

hey everyone. I'm quite new to this, so this maybe me.... but...

system: ryzen 3600 - rtx3060 12gb - Windows 10 - Anaconda3.

Env: Python 3.7 - Pytorch - torchvision.

Error Dump:

(openlth) C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth>python open_lth.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "open_lth.py", line 9, in from cli import runner_registry File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\cli\runner_registry.py", line 7, in from lottery.branch.runner import BranchRunner File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\lottery\branch\runner.py", line 12, in from lottery.branch import registry File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\lottery\branch\registry.py", line 6, in from lottery.branch.base import Branch File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\lottery\branch\base.py", line 12, in from cli import shared_args File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\cli\shared_args.py", line 10, in import models.registry File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\models\registry.py", line 11, in from models import cifar_resnet, cifar_vgg, mnist_lenet, imagenet_resnet File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\models\cifar_resnet.py", line 10, in from lottery.desc import LotteryDesc File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\lottery\desc.py", line 18, in import pruning.registry File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\pruning\registry.py", line 10, in from pruning import sparse_global File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\pruning\sparse_global.py", line 10, in import models.base File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\open_lth\models\base.py", line 101, in class DistributedDataParallel(Model, torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel): File "C:\Users\TheResetButton\anaconda3\envs\openlth\lib\abc.py", line 126, in new cls = super().new(mcls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) TypeError: Cannot create a consistent method resolution order (MRO) for bases ABC, Module

So if I'm looking at this right, I'm looking at ../lib/abc.py? this was from python 3.7 setup, and not from the project? is this an error that got fixed in later versions of python? I also havent setup my output directories yet.. I dont see anything like that mentioned above. any help would be awesome..... and yes, I would love to use this under linux, but that mean moving my rtx3060 to my downstairs box... and losing out on using it on my main rig.

yuuma002 commented 7 months ago

Same issue.