Closed mitchellnw closed 4 years ago
Very not urgent.. just curious
Thank you! Mitchell
Hi Mitchell -
The original ResNet paper and the WRN paper count the layers in different ways, which has led to enormous confusion in the literature. Specifically, the original paper doesn't count skip connections with weights attached to them, but the WRN paper does (e.g., ResNet-20 becomes WRN-22-N). Since I unified these networks into one implementation, I had to choose one or the other, and I went with the original scheme. So subtract 2 from any CIFAR-10 WRN, and you'll get the right name in this repository.
Awesome code, enjoying it!
Probably missing something simple here but I'm a bit confused about resnet naming.
I commonly see wide resnets referred to as WRN-40-2 or WRN-28-10 (e.g. in this repo
I believe the WRN-40-2 would be, in the nomenclature here, referred to as
.However, the resulting network still has 40 conv/linear layers. Why is depth referred to as 38 in
? Are shortcuts not counted since they don't technically count towards "depth"? If so, why does everyone say WRN-40-2?