facebookresearch / pifuhd

High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization from A Single Image.
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NameError: name 'image_path' is not defined #120

Open ecations opened 3 years ago

ecations commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to run the Colab demo but keep getting this error: NameError: name 'image_path' is not defined after executing this cell: net = PoseEstimationWithMobileNet() checkpoint = torch.load('checkpoint_iter_370000.pth', map_location='cpu') load_state(net, checkpoint) get_rect(net.cuda(), [image_path], 512)

I have tried both with the default test image and also with my own images. I'm always executing the cells in order.

What could be wrong here?

AKclown commented 3 years ago

Hello, the image_path path is wrong, which caused the error. Below is my code image