facebookresearch / pytorchvideo

A deep learning library for video understanding research.
Apache License 2.0
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Hmdb51 returns action class name not index #156

Open xianyuanliu opened 2 years ago

xianyuanliu commented 2 years ago

🐛 Bugs / Unexpected behaviors

pytorchvideo.data.Hmdb51 returns action class name instead of action class number according to this code. In the train_step, batch["label"] returns action class name, not class index. Therefore, I cannot use them to calculate loss and accuracy. I am not sure if it is designed for some reason. May I know how to fix it, please? Many thanks!

Instructions To Reproduce the Issue:

Follow video_classification_example and change the dataset to HMDB51.

    train_dataset = LimitDataset(
            clip_sampler=make_clip_sampler("uniform", frame_per_segment),
  1. Any changes you made (git diff) or code you wrote --- Nope
  2. The exact command(s) you ran: --- Nope
  3. What you observed (including the full logs):


hpooja11 commented 11 months ago

I'm experiencing the same issue. @xianyuanliu did you find any work around?