The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.
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Got invalid dimensions for input: mask_input for the following indices #719
function modelData({ clicks, tensor, modelScale,last_pred_mask }) {
const imageEmbedding = tensor;
let pointCoords;
let pointLabels;
let pointCoordsTensor;
let pointLabelsTensor;
// Check there are input click prompts
if (clicks) {
let n = clicks.length;
// If there is no box input, a single padding point with
// label -1 and coordinates (0.0, 0.0) should be concatenated
// so initialize the array to support (n + 1) points.
pointCoords = new Float32Array(2 * (n + 1));
pointLabels = new Float32Array(n + 1);
// Add clicks and scale to what SAM expects
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
pointCoords[2 * i] = clicks[i].x * modelScale.samScale;
pointCoords[2 * i + 1] = clicks[i].y * modelScale.samScale;
pointLabels[i] = clicks[i].clickType;
// Add in the extra point/label when only clicks and no box
// The extra point is at (0, 0) with label -1
pointCoords[2 * n] = 0.0;
pointCoords[2 * n + 1] = 0.0;
pointLabels[n] = -1.0;
// Create the tensor
pointCoordsTensor = new Tensor("float32", pointCoords, [1, n + 1, 2]);
pointLabelsTensor = new Tensor("float32", pointLabels, [1, n + 1]);
const imageSizeTensor = new Tensor("float32", [
if (pointCoordsTensor === undefined || pointLabelsTensor === undefined)
// if there is a previous tensor, use it, otherwise we default to an empty tensor
const maskInput =
last_pred_mask && clicks && !isFirstClick(clicks)
? last_pred_mask
: new Tensor("float32", new Float32Array(256 * 256), [1, 1, 256, 256]);
const hasMaskInput = new Tensor("float32", [
+!!(last_pred_mask && clicks && !isFirstClick(clicks)),
return {
image_embeddings: imageEmbedding,
point_coords: pointCoordsTensor,
point_labels: pointLabelsTensor,
orig_im_size: imageSizeTensor,
mask_input: maskInput,
has_mask_input: hasMaskInput,
const feeds = modelData({
clicks: this.clicks,
tensor: this.tensor,
modelScale: this.modelScale,
last_pred_mask: this.predMask,
const results = await;
const pred_mask = results['low_res_masks'];
this.predMask = pred_mask;
If there is a previous tensor,error:Got invalid dimensions for input: mask_input for the following indices,index: 1 Got: 4 Expected: 1.
Can you tell me how to solve it? Thank you very much!
this.predMask={ data: Float32Array(262144), dims: [1,4,256,256], size: 262144, type: "float32", }
If there is a previous tensor,error:Got invalid dimensions for input: mask_input for the following indices,index: 1 Got: 4 Expected: 1. Can you tell me how to solve it? Thank you very much!