facebookresearch / street-addresses

Robocodes: Towards Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery
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Module 'resources' has no attribute 'setrlimit' #5

Open ahmedosman2001 opened 4 years ago

ahmedosman2001 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm receiving this error, Anyone knows how I can fix it. I tried "pip install resources" but this did not fix the error. Thanks

root@ubunto-VirtualBox:/home/ubunto/street-addresses# python run_end2end.py --xml /home/ubunto/street-addresses/example/nashik.osm --out_dir /home/ubunto/street-addresses/example --roadSeg_bin /home/ubunto/street-addresses/road_segmentor/bin/RoadConnectionLabelling 2020-07-18 21:54:37,263 [INFO] sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=17, releaselevel='final', serial=0) 2020-07-18 21:54:37,264 [INFO] {'input_tiff': None, 'xml': '/home/ubunto/street-addresses/example/nashik.osm', 'out_dir': '/home/ubunto/street-addresses/example', 'centre_row': None, 'roadSeg_bin': '/home/ubunto/street-addresses/road_segmentor/bin/RoadConnectionLabelling', 'centre_col': None} 2020-07-18 21:54:37,265 [INFO] Reading OSM file 2020-07-18 21:54:38,528 [INFO] Running end2end with OSM as input 2020-07-18 21:54:38,529 [INFO] Processing file:/home/ubunto/street-addresses/example/nashik.tif 2020-07-18 21:54:38,530 [INFO] Starting Road segmentator Traceback (most recent call last): File "run_end2end.py", line 147, in main(args, out_fn, logger) File "run_end2end.py", line 92, in main safal_layers.RoadSegment() File "/home/ubunto/street-addresses/util/safal_functions.py", line 36, in RoadSegment resources.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, resource.RLIM_INFINITY) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'setrlimit'

KaunilD commented 4 years ago

Hi @ahmedosman2001 , I am unable to reproduce this issue on my system. for starters, can you send me the output of this command: pip freeze. I suspect that there is a mismatch in the package version between origin and the remote you've installed in your environment.

ahmedosman2001 commented 4 years ago

Hi @KaunilD, This is the output for "pip freeze" root@ubunto-VirtualBox:/home/ubunto/street-addresses# pip freeze 3to2==1.1.1 asn1crypto==0.24.0 astroid==1.6.0 attrs==17.4.0 autobahn==17.10.1 Automat==0.6.0 backports.functools-lru-cache==1.4 beautifulsoup4==4.6.0 cbor==1.0.0 certifi==2020.6.20 chardet==3.0.4 click==6.7 colorama==0.3.7 configparser==3.5.0 constantly==15.1.0 cryptography==2.1.4 Cython==0.26.1 decorator==4.4.2 enum34==1.1.6 futures==3.2.0 GDAL==2.2.2 html5lib==0.999999999 hyperlink==17.3.1 idna==2.6 incremental==16.10.1 ipaddress==1.0.17 isort==4.3.4 keyring==10.6.0 keyrings.alt==3.0 lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1 logilab-common==1.4.1 lxml==3.6.4 lz4==0.10.1 mccabe==0.6.1 mpi4py==2.0.0 numpy==1.13.3 olefile==0.45.1 PAM==0.4.2 pbr==5.4.5 Pillow==5.1.0 py-ubjson==0.8.5 pyasn1==0.4.2 pyasn1-modules==0.2.1 pycodestyle==2.6.0 pycrypto==2.6.1 pyflakes==1.6.0 pygobject==3.26.1 pylint==1.8.3 PyNaCl==1.1.2 pyOpenSSL==17.5.0 pyserial==3.4 python-resources==0.3 python-snappy==0.5 PyTrie==0.2 pyxdg==0.25 qrcode==5.3 requests==2.24.0 Rtree==0.8.3 scikit-learn==0.20.4 scipy==1.2.3 SecretStorage==2.3.1 service-identity==16.0.0 singledispatch== six==1.11.0 SQLAlchemy==1.3.18 sqlparse==0.3.1 Tempita==0.5.2 toml==0.10.1 trollius==2.0.1 Twisted==17.9.0 txaio==2.8.1 u-msgpack-python==2.1 urllib3==1.25.9 webencodings==0.5 wrapt==1.9.0 wsaccel==0.6.2 zope.interface==4.3.2

KaunilD commented 4 years ago

Found the issue. As of Jan 01, the resource module will raise an error as they have dropped support for py2.7. I am working on the upgrade to python 3.6.9 and OpenCV's latest stable release. Will keep you updated. Thank you for catching this @ahmedosman2001 .

KaunilD commented 4 years ago

Please follow r2.0 here: https://github.com/KaunilD/street-addresses/tree/r2.0