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I downloaded the RealEstate10K dataset. Where does it go? #9

Closed MotorCityCobra closed 3 years ago

MotorCityCobra commented 4 years ago

Does the Interactive Demo extract the frames?

[this](The frames need to be extracted based on the text files; we extract them to: ${REAL_ESTATE_10K}/frames.) says...
"The frames need to be extracted based on the text files; we extract them to: ${REAL_ESTATE_10K}/frames."

How do "we" do that?

oawiles commented 4 years ago

No it doesn't. You need to follow the instructions for RealEstate10K from THEIR website. We can't distribute the original frames because (1) there's a huge number -- the memory would be too much -- and (2) for IP reasons.

We then have one change (which we discuss in the file you quoted from above). Their dataset is based on youtube data, which means videos/frames may be missing as hte dataset may change over time. As a result, we save the information about the frames that were correctly extracted.

phongnhhn92 commented 4 years ago

@oawiles I guess you are not allowed to distribute the extracted frames but I guess you can share the script which you have used to preprocess the data (downloading the video and possibly resize, change intrinsic parameters). I myself have made one but I guess it would be helpful not only for me for comparison but also easier for other people to work faster on your method.

However, I believe that this is just a simple python script that anyone with basic Python skill can do so may be it is not that worth considering anymore :D

oawiles commented 4 years ago

Thank you @phongnhhn92 !

We would have given the script but can't distribute that -- it is too similar to simply distributing the frames. But as you say, it is a simple python script that simply extracts frames at the timestamps and resizes them.

MotorCityCobra commented 4 years ago

What are the png frames to be named individually? ${REAL_ESTATE_10K}/frames/train/${path_totrain_vid1}/*.png

Are they named after their timestamp number in microseconds?

"we create a new text file ${REAL_ESTATE_10K}/frames/train/${path_totrain_vid1}.txt which stores the metadata for each frame (this is necessary as there may be some errors in the extraction process). The ${REAL_ESTATE_10K}/frames/train/${path_totrain_vid1}.txt file is in the same structure as the original text file, except all rows containing images that were not extracted, have been removed."

Explain this step. Does the new txt file have the same 2-6. camera intrinsics and 7-19. camera pose rows as the old txt file? What is this step for? I would imagine the clip is there to be downloaded and have all its frame extracted or not. Under what circumstance would frames be different?